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Smart City

Pickering is committed to intelligent community development to create a more connected, engaged, inclusive, and sustainable City. Advancing our broadband and information and communications technology will enhance the quality of life for those who live here, and play a critical role in generating economic growth and employment opportunities for Pickering.

Intelligent Community Awards  

The Intelligent Community Forum (ICF) has recognized Pickering as a Smart21 Communities of 2023, 2018 and 2017. The award program recognizes the world's leading municipalities that are successfully leveraging the power of technology to develop inclusive and prosperous communities.

Visit for more information on the Intelligent Community Forum and the Intelligent Community of the Year awards.

ICF released a comprehensive ranking of intelligent communities grouped by population, naming Pickering Top 10 by population of 50,000-100,000.

Some of Pickering's smart initiatives include:

Durham Region and the City of Pickering are focused on driving broadband availability throughout the region and creating a digitally connected community. This includes ensuring equitable and affordable broadband access in all of our rural communities. Broadband availability is now vital, not only in delivering the City’s services and interacting with residents, but as an essential tool for citizens and businesses as they connect, communicate and contribute to our community.

The City of Pickering continues to advocate for greater broadband coverage in Pickering. Over the next three years, Bell will be bringing all-fibre broadband access to approximately 21,000 Pickering locations.

The following projects aim to provide residents with equitable access to internet:

  • Our Dig Once Standard was adopted by Council in 2016 and means that any future City road construction will include an additional conduit to accommodate fibre optic cable (internet).
  • In addition to traffic, environmental, and other studies normally required to support new real estate projects, developers are now required to provide an Information and Communications Technology Implementation Plan that shows how internet connectivity and communications technology objectives will be met.
  • Official Plan Amendment No. 31 (approved by City Council, June 2018) means that information and communications technology considerations are now part of the development approval process.
  • Pickering Public Library Connects (PPL Connects), is an outreach program that offers free access to internet and technology skills training. The Library also loans out laptops and portable hotspots for those in need.
  • Access Pickering features 50 permanent wireless access points across the City, which currently sees over 7,500 residents connecting every month.

Pickering is bridging the digital divide by making technology more accessible. Pickering Public Library's Maker Space provides citizens with access to equipment (3D printers, button makers, and a south booth), loanable technology, and one-on-one device assistance.

Visit to learn more.

At the beginning of 2023, the City of Pickering adapted its new Integrated Sustainable Design Standards.

These standards apply to all new development review in Pickering, and reflect the innovative green best practices and technology of today, as well as the work being done by both the City and Region of Durham to address climate change, support urban forests, pollinators, waste reduction, water conservation, energy efficiency, and improve access to local food and greenspaces.

You can learn more at Sustainable Development.

The City continues to educate and engage citizens on topics of importance to the community's future (including development proposals, budgets and user fees, and zoning by-law reviews).

Some other ways the City is educating and engaging citizens include:

  • The City's Downtown Intensification Study incorporated community engagement to develop the vision for a bold, vibrant, and liveable downtown. The final document, Downtown Pickering: A Vision for Intensification and Framework for Investment, consists of computer modeling and illustrative imagery; policies and guidelines regarding land use, mobility, public realm, and built form; as well as recommendations on phasing and priorities for capital projects. The document establishes a guiding framework that allows City staff the adaptability to respond to opportunities for development or investment in the Downtown.
  • The City is committed to building a culture of community engagement, to provide residents with a greater sense of agency, purpose, connectedness and responsibility. As such, in 2016, it offered its first annual Pickering 101 - Your City. Right Now.; a free, 8-session course designed to help residents understand how their local government works.
  • The City has leveraged the power of technology to promote transparency, accountability and participation in local government through its Maps and Open Data portal. Access City-maintained data sets, a development activity map, ward boundaries, points of interest, public art, parks and facilities, and more.
  • Visit our YouTube channel to watch our Smart City video.

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