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Sign Licences

The City of Pickering enacted a new Sign By-law No. 8154/25 on January 28, 2025, which sets new regulations and restrictions for all signs that are displayed within the City to identify businesses or for advertising purposes.

This By-law applies to all signs that are or are to be located, erected, or displayed within the boundaries of the City. 

The regulations in the City of Pickering Sign By-law include the following:

  1. That no person shall erect any temporary sign without a Sign Licence. 
  2. Installing a sign without a valid permit or licence can result in the sign being removed and upon conviction is liable to a fine. 
  3. That a Sign Licence application shall be made by the owner of the property to which the sign will be erected or an authorized representative of the owner. 
  4. That multi-tenanted properties must include written consent from the Property Owner/Manager.
  5. The various types of signs and where the signs can be located as per the Special Sign Districts. 
  6. The requirements for obtaining a Sign Permit or Sign Licence. 
  7. The administration, inspection, and measures of enforcement for non-compliance.
  8. Commercial business and advertising signs require a Temporary Sign Licence in the City of Pickering. 
  9. That all sign Licences expire on the date indicated on the Sign Licence. 
  10. That all signs must be maintained in a state of good repair. 

Visit the Sign Permits page for information on permanent signs.

To view signs exempt from Sign Permits and Sign Licences, see the Sign Exemption section of the Sign By-Law.

For information related to Special Sign Districts, see Schedule A of the Sign By-law.

Temporary Sign Licences

A separate Sign Licence is required for every sign.

Sign Types and Licence Fees

To Obtain a Sign Licence

  1. Complete an application for a Sign Licence.
  2. Drop off your completed application to the Municipal Law Enforcement Services counter at Pickering City Hall or fill out an application in person.


  1. Every Sign Licence Application shall be accompanied by details noting the size and location of the proposed sign.
  2. Under the Provincial Offences Act, R.S.O. 1991 Chap.P.33, as amended every person who contravenes any provision of the City of Pickering By-law 8154/25 is guilty of an offence and upon conviction is liable to penalties set out in the By-law.

Portable Signs

All Portable Signs shall comply with the following restrictions.

  1. The sign shall be located on the property to which the sign and the sign licence relates.
  2. Portable Signs are prohibited in both high density and low residential areas, as well as special sign districts and open space system land.
  3. Approved Portable Sign dimensions:
    • Maximum 2.0 metres in height.
    • Maximum sign area 4.0 square metres.
    • Minimum setback of 3.0 metres between the property lot line and the closest portion of the sign.
  4. One (1) sign per property is permitted. For properties with more than one street frontage that is greater than 70 metres, a second sign may be permitted.
  5. Sign Licence Fee $110.00 per sign.
  6. The sign licence is valid for 30 days and upon licence expiration the sign must be removed.

Banner Signs

All Banner Signs shall comply with the following restrictions.

  1. The sign shall be located on the property to which the sign and the sign licence relates.
  2. Banner signs are not permitted on canopies, awnings, fences, or on sidewalks.
  3. Banner signs are prohibited in both high density and low residential areas, as well as special sign districts and open space system land.
  4. A banner sign shall be securely affixed to the exterior wall or a roof of a building or to the ground.
  5. Approved Banner Sign dimensions:
    • Maximum 6.0 metres in height.
    • Maximum sign area 4.0 square metres.
    • Minimum setback of 3.0 metres between the property lot line and the closest portion of the sign.
  6. Maximum number of signs per property is one (1) sign.
  7. Sign Licence Fee $110.00 per sign.
  8. The sign licence is valid for 30 days and upon licence expiration the sign must be removed.

Inflatable Signs

All Inflatable Signs shall comply with the following restrictions.

  1. The sign shall be located on the property to which the sign and the sign licence relates.
  2. Inflatable signs are not permitted on canopies, awnings, fences, or on sidewalks.
  3. Inflatable signs are prohibited in both high density and low residential areas, as well as special sign districts and open space system land.
  4. An inflatable sign shall be securely affixed to the exterior wall or a roof of a building or to the ground.
  5. Approved Inflatable Sign dimensions:
    • Maximum 6.0 metres in height.
    • Maximum sign area 4.0 square metres.
    • Minimum setback of 3.0 metres between the property lot line and the closest portion of the sign.
  6. Maximum number of signs per property is one (1) sign.
  7. Sign Licence Fee $110.00 per sign.
  8. The sign licence is valid for 30 days and upon licence expiration the sign must be removed.

Flag Signs

All Flag Signs shall comply with the following restrictions.

  1. The sign shall be located on the property to which the sign and the sign licence relates.
  2. Flag Signs are prohibited in both high density and low residential areas, as well as Special Sign Districts and open space system land.
  3. Approved Flag Sign dimensions:
    • Maximum 1.8 metres in height.
    • Maximum sign area 2.0 square metres.
    • Minimum setback of 3.0 metres between the property lot line and the closest portion of the sign.
  4. Maximum number of flag signs per property is three (3) signs.
  5. Sign Licence Fee $125.00 per sign.
  6. The sign licence is valid for 30 days and upon licence expiration the sign(s) must be removed.

Sidewalk Signs

All Sidewalk Signs shall comply with the following restrictions.

  1. Sidewalk signs are not permitted in any location other than within a Special Sign District.
  2. A sidewalk sign shall be installed immediately in front of the business to which it pertains and shall only be erected during the hours of operation of the business.
  3. Approved Flag Sidewalk Sign dimensions:
    • Maximum 1.0 metres in height and 0.6 metres in width.
    • The sign may be located on a public sidewalk provided a minimum of 1.5 metres of unobstructed sidewalk space is maintained.
  4. Maximum number of signs per property is one (1) sign.
  5. Sign Licence Fee $110.00 per sign.
  6. The sign licence is valid for one (1) year and upon licence expiration the sign(s) must be removed.

Billboard Signs

All Billboard Signs shall comply with the following restrictions. 

  1. A sign licence for a Billboard sign will not be issued if a Sign Permit has not been issued.
  2. A Billboard Sign Licence is valid for one (1) year.


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