Our Virtual Innovation Lab (VIL) was a huge success! Thank you to all the participants that put in their hearts, minds, and generous time. We have also collected secondary consultative input to the VIL outcomes.
All of the generous and substantive stakeholder input has been included in the project findings and reported in the SSAI Monograph Report.
Why an Innovation Lab?
Through an engaging interactive process, an Innovation Lab brings together a variety of stakeholders to
- Work together as a newly defined team.
- Identify & Define current (and future) complex challenges.
- Prioritize the challenges through a newly shared landscape of critical thinking.
- Co-design solutions and make recommendations that effectively address the identified challenges.
An Innovation Lab Enables its participants to work on complex challenges and co-create solutions that no one group or entity could have accomplished on their own.
Our Virtual Innovation Lab (VIL) was designed as one of the cornerstones of the Service and Support Animal Initiative (SSAI) – Stakeholders identifying the leading challenges among Ontario businesses, services, municipalities, and other organizations to meet public accessibility for service and support animal users. The core issue areas we addressed included:
- Regulations, Policies & Procedures
- Emerging Issues/Problems
- Systemic/Practical Concerns
- Education/Awareness & Public Service
Innovation Lab participants explored, learned together from each others perspectives, and developed solutions to help mitigate the above challenges and barriers.
How the VIL Worked:
Through four modular events, VIL participants worked among their diverse group of stakeholders going through structured cycles of exploration, ideation, and implementation. Each stage advanced the VIL toward effectively building a more accessible community, through:
- Exploration of challenges and barriers, having intensely focused on the daily lives and functions of all identified stakeholders.
- Ideation generated many possible solutions. Participants then prioritized the ideas to select the barrier or challenge they wanted to work on.
- Implementation involved working in individual teams to develop solutions and plans for implementation – then share with the entire VIL group.