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Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee

The Ontario Heritage Act provides a framework within which municipalities can ensure the conservation of properties of cultural heritage value or interest. The Act also encourages citizen participation in heritage conservation locally. Under section 28 of the Act, the council of a municipality is authorized to establish, by by-law, a municipal heritage committee made up of five or more people.

The Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee was established by City Council, under the authority of the Ontario Heritage Act for the purpose of identifying sites and structures appropriate for conservation and advising Council on heritage conservation issues.

The Ontario Heritage Act defines the statutory role of municipal heritage committees, but also states that other responsibilities may be assigned to these committees through by-laws passed by the municipal council. The establishment of a municipal heritage committee by municipal by-law enables a municipality to encourage community participation in local heritage conservation. In practice, a heritage committee often has a dual responsibility:

  • to the municipality - to advise council on heritage issues (under the Ontario Heritage Act); and, to carry out assigned duties according to the municipal by-law or resolution and procedures established by the municipality
  • to the citizens of the municipality - to help ensure that plans for change and progress be developed in a manner that recognizes the historical continuity of their community
  • to be a representative of community interests - the advisory committee is recognized as a legitimate vehicle for coordinating and conveying community concerns. An advisory committee, therefore, plays a very important role by enabling a community to participate more directly in the decision-making process

The function of the committee is to advise council on local heritage matters and to assist the council in carrying out its heritage conservation program. Though the organization and function of municipal heritage committees* are defined by the Act, municipalities are not required to establish such a committee. However, once a committee is appointed, it is the municipal council that determines its terms of reference, and appoints its members.

* Municipal heritage committees replace the former Local Architectural Conservancy Advisory Committee (LACAC) as the scope of functions have been expanded beyond architectural heritage to include cultural and non-built heritage.

Members of the committee are appointed by City Council from the community and represent a cross-section of interests and perspectives. 

Committee members meet monthly from January to June and again from September to November. There is no remuneration paid to the members of this Committee.

There are currently 8 citizen members of the committee, appointed by Council and serving a term ending November 14, 2026 or until a successor is appointed.

  • Reid Anderson
  • Asok Bhadra
  • Nicole Brewster
  • Christine Doody-Hamilton
  • Laurin Jeffrey
  • Steve Monaghan
  • Richard Smiles
  • James White

Established under the authority of the Ontario Heritage Act for the purpose of identifying sites and structures appropriate for conservation and advising Council on heritage conservation issues.

The role of an advisory committee is summarized as follows by the Ministry of Culture:

  • to advise and recommend
  • to provide knowledge and expertise
  • to facilitate the work of the organizing body by ensuring open and honest representation; creating a climate of consensus; and maintaining the integrity of the committee
  • to be sensitive to the community which it represents
  • to promote good will and trust within the community of interest and the community at large
  • to act as a liaison between politicians, organizational staff, members of the public, and other stakeholders

  1. Raise the profile and build a positive reputation for the Heritage Pickering Committee with key stakeholders.
  2. Monitor and make recommendations related to land issues (such as the 407 expansion, airport/federal lands, and Seaton/provincial lands).
  3. Develop a process for and implement the designation of buildings, properties of architectural and/or historical significance.
  4. Increase awareness and knowledge of heritage conservation issues.

Inventory of significant heritage

Beginning in the federal/airport lands, several committee members have undertaken to confirm information contained in previous inventories, revise incorrect or out of date information, add new or missing information. This information was used to identify those buildings that should be designated and therefore, protected within the planning for the proposed airport. A committee member also completed an inventory listing of cemeteries within Pickering.

Establishing communication with key stakeholders

As a newly formed and reinvigorated committee, it was essential to establish working relationships with key individuals and organizations with shared interests in heritage. These stakeholders included the members of Pickering Council, staff in various City departments such as Planning, Building, Clerks, and the Library, contacts with provincial agencies such as the Ministry of Culture, Ontario Heritage Foundation and federal agencies such as Transport Canada.

Monitoring provincial / Seaton land planning

As the Pickering Growth Management Study and the province's Oak Ridges Moraine land swap and Greenbelt study have moved forward, our committee members have attended and participated in numerous meetings and workshops to learn about the plans for the area as well as represent heritage issues in the discussions.

Responding to arising issues

A number of issues impacting heritage arise throughout the year. We respond to requests from the Planning department to comment on development plans.


The committee also completed an inventory of heritage assets located in the Pickering Public Library, and we hosted the Durham Regional Heritage Workshop with participants from Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa, Clarington, Scugog.

Heritage Pickering has plans to:

  • secure designations for significant heritage buildings and/or areas
  • develop information and education resources
  • continue communication with a number of stakeholders at the federal, provincial, regional and local levels

To retrieve a document, connect to Corporate Records, then use the search option or browse through folders. For example, if you are looking for a committee agenda, start by selecting Agendas, then Boards & Advisory Committees, then the committee name, the year, and the meeting date.

Read about Heritage Planning.

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One The Esplanade
Pickering, Ontario
Canada L1V 6K7


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