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Election Results

Financial Statements

Posting of Financial Statements for the 2022 Municipal Election

Each candidate who runs in a Municipal Election must file a Financial Statement with the Municipal Clerk using the prescribed Forms below, issued by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. These statements will be made public.

Financial Statement – Form 4

Financial Statement - Subsequent Expenses - Form 5

Notice of Extension of Campaign Period - Form 6

The filing deadline is 2 p.m. on the last Friday in March following the election (March 31, 2023). Financial statements must be filed in person or by an agent at the Office of the City Clerk, Pickering Civic Complex, One the Esplanade, Pickering, ON, L1V 6K7, during regular office hours, Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., excluding statutory holidays.

Please see the 2022 Candidates' Guide – Ontario municipal council and school board elections for more information regarding campaign finances.

Click the button below to view the City Clerk's Declaration of Compliance - Financial Reporting Requirements.

Candidates are listed below in alphabetical order by office.



Kevin Ashe

Financial Statement

Janice Frampton

Financial Statement 

Bradley Nazar

Financial Statement

Regional Councillor - Ward 1

Maurice Brenner

Financial Statement

Tom Hayes

Financial Statement

Regional Councillor - Ward 2

Linda Cook

Financial Statement

Eileen Higdon

Financial Statement

Ali Marani

Financial Statement

Gary Strange

Financial Statement

Regional Councillor - Ward 3

David Pickles

Financial Statement

Peter Rodrigues

Financial Statement

City Councillor - Ward 1

James Blair

Financial Statement

Tony Harold

Financial Statement

Zeynab Kazi

Financial Statement

Raveena Rajasingham

Financial Statement

Lisa Robinson

Financial Statement

Karen Sloan

Financial Statement

Jeanine Soligo

Financial Statement

Anthony Michael Yacub

Financial Statement

City Councillor - Ward 2

David Currie

Notice of Extension of
Campaign Period - Form 6

Financial Statement - Initial Filing
Financial Statement - Supplementary Filing

Christine Doody-Hamilton


Financial Statement

Frank McGillan

Default - Failed to file Financial Statement in accordance with the Municipal Elections Act

Mara Nagy

Financial Statement

Ayesha Sardar

Financial Statement

George David Turner

Financial Statement

Nancy Van Rooy

Financial Statement

City Councillor - Ward 3

Shaheen Butt

Financial Statement

Ali Naqvi

Financial Statement

Darshan Sritharan

Financial Statement

Damian Williams

Financial Statement

Trustee -
Durham District School Board

Michael T Courtis

Financial Statement

Sherry Croteau

Financial Statement

Emma Cunningham

Financial Statement

Michelle Leong Francis

Financial Statement

Stephen Linton

Financial Statement

Donna Sobers

Financial Statement

Trustee -
Durham Catholic District School Board

Jim McCafferty

Financial Statement

Terence Peters

Default - Failed to file Financial Statement in accordance with the Municipal Elections Act

Tomy Valookaran

Financial Statement

Registered Third Party Joe Pacione Financial Statement
Elena Walmsley Financial Statement

Regional Chair

For the Financial Statements of candidates for the above noted office please visit the Region of Durham website.

Conseil scolaire Viamonde Trustee

For the Financial Statements of candidates for the above noted office please visit the City of Oshawa website.

Conseil scolaire catholique MonAvenir Trustee

For the Financial Statements of candidates for the above noted office please visit the City of Oshawa website.

Compliance Audit Committee

What is a Compliance Audit Committee?

Compliance Audit Committees are required by the Municipal Elections Act (the “Act”) to consider applications requesting audits of candidates’ and registered third party advertisers’ campaign finances.

Section 88.37 of the Act requires a council or local board to establish a compliance audit committee before October 1 of an election year. The Act further states that the committee shall be composed of not fewer than three (3) and not more than seven (7) members, and shall not include:

  • employees or officers of the municipality or local board;
  • members of the council or local board;
  • any persons who are candidates in the election for which the committee is established; or
  • any persons who are registered third parties in the municipality in the election for which the committee is established.

For the 2022 municipal election, the City of Pickering has partnered with the Town of Ajax, the Regional Municipality of Durham, the City of Oshawa, and the Town of Whitby to form a Joint Compliance Audit Committee. Should a compliance audit application be received, the City Clerk shall select three (3) individuals from the roaster of members to serve on the Compliance Audit Committee in accordance with the approved Terms of Reference.

The mandate of the Compliance Audit Committee is considered complete at the end of the four year term of Council or when the Committee has disposed of any remaining matters in accordance with the Act, whichever is later.

Compliance Audit Application Process

Sections 88.33(1) and 88.35(1) of the Municipal Elections Act provides that an eligible elector, who believes on reasonable grounds that a candidate or registered third party has contravened a provision of the Act relating to election campaign finances, may apply for a compliance audit of the candidate’s election campaign finances. The application must be submitted to the City Clerk in writing, include the reasons for the application, and must be made within 90 days after the latest of the following dates:

  • the filing date for financial statements;
  • the date the candidate or registered third party filed a financial statement, if the statement was filed within 30 days after the applicable filing date;
  • the candidate’s or registered third party’s supplementary filing date, if any; or,
  • the date on which the candidate or third party advertiser’s extension, if any, expires.

Compliance audits can also be commenced if the City Clerk identifies that any contributor to a candidate or registered third party appears to have contravened any of the contribution limits under Section 88.9 or 88.13 of the Act.

The Compliance Audit Committee is responsible for the following:

  • Reviewing applications received within 30 days of receiving it, and decide whether the application should be granted or rejected. (If the request is granted, the Committee will appoint an auditor under the Public Accounting Act, 2004, to audit the candidate or registered third party’s election campaign finances).
  • Reviewing the auditor’s report within 30 days of receiving it, and it may, if the report concludes that the candidate appears to have contravened a provision of the Act relating to election campaign finances, commence a legal proceeding against the candidate or registered third party for the apparent contravention.


At the Council Meeting of June 27, 2022, By-law 7949/22, was enacted to establish the 2022-2026 Municipal Election Joint Compliance Audit Committee and Appoint a Roster of Individuals to serve on the Committee. The following individuals were appointed to the roster of members for the Committee:

  • Richard Austin
  • Joe Brown
  • Kalli Chapman
  • Gary Cohn
  • Kelly Gravelle
  • Paul Jones
  • Sachin Persaud

Terms of Reference:

At the Council Meeting of February 28, 2022, Report CLK 01-22, was approved through Resolution #818/22, to give authority to approve the Terms of Reference for the 2022 Municipal Election Joint Compliance Audit Committee. 

Contributions and Contribution Limits

A contribution cannot be made or accepted by a person or an individual acting under the person’s direction unless the person is a candidate.

Who may contribute:

  1. An individual who is normally a resident in Ontario.
  2. The candidate and his or her spouse (if not normally a resident in Ontario, a candidate and his or her spouse may make contributions only to the candidate’s election campaign).

Who cannot contribute:

  1. A federal political party registered under the Canada Elections Act (Canada) or any federal constituency association or registered candidate at a federal election endorsed by that party.
  2. A provincial political party, constituency association, registered candidate or leadership contestant registered under the Election Finances Act.
  3. A corporation that carries on business in Ontario.
  4. A trade union that holds bargaining rights for employees in Ontario.
  5. The Crown in right of Canada or Ontario, a municipality or a local board.

Contribution Limits

The maximum amount which may be contributed to a single candidate is $1,200 and no more than $5,000 in total may be contributed to candidates running for offices on the same council or school board. This amount includes the value of any goods or services donated to the campaign (i.e. a ticket to a candidate’s fundraiser).

Contributions greater than $25 may not be made in cash. All contributions exceeding $25 must be made by cheque, money order, or by a method that clearly shows where the funds came from.

Names and addresses of contributors who made a contribution greater than $100 will be recorded in the candidate’s financial statement which will be posted on the City’s website.

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Clerk's Office
One The Esplanade
Pickering, Ontario
Canada L1V 6K7


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