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Council Highlights

October 28, 2024

Toys for Tickets and Food for Fines Holiday Program returns

The Toys for Tickets and Food for Fines program accepts toys or groceries in lieu of payment for parking tickets issued between November 25, 2024 and December 18, 2024.

The City has operated this program since 2009, and in 2023, the program brought in approximately $1,343.00 in donations, compared to the $1,181.00 in lost fine revenue.

The 2024 program will continue to benefit families in need by sharing donations with the Durham Regional Police Service Food and Toy Drive, and the Pickering Fire Services Food and Toy Drive.

Please refer to Resolution #588/24.

Read Report BYL 02-24 for details.

City renews partnership with DARS to support community members in need

The Memorandum of Understanding with DARS Inc., outlines roles and responsibilities of operating a shower program for those in need, for the period of January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025.

Shower facilities will be available at the Chestnut Hill Developments Recreation Complex, in the Arena Dressing Rooms of the O’Brien Rink, on Wednesday afternoons between 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm. DARS Inc. will provide onsite supervision, towel and hygiene packages, and will oversee the use of the facilities.

DARS Inc. is a local organization that specializes in support services and provides basic needs for unsheltered individuals.

Please refer to Resolution #589/24.

Read Report CS 31-24 for details.

Staff to work with partners on opportunities for schools in Pickering’s growing City Centre

Council has directed staff to work collaboratively with developers and school boards to review current student accommodation and school sites, and future opportunities for students to attend school within their community, as Pickering’s City Centre continues to grow significantly in both population and density.

City Development staff will contact and collaborate with school board staff to assess the need for schools in Pickering’s City Centre and explore options for integrating school space into high-density developments.

Staff will also work with developers and school boards to designate future school sites and incorporate these school sites into the planning and design of new residential developments.

Please refer to Resolution #593/24.

City to introduce new anti-littering campaign

Residents have observed a significant increase in litter across our beachfront areas, parks, and trails, most notably in sensitive watershed areas. The issue persists despite the availability of waste receptacles (i.e. fishing line disposal units, garbage and recycling bins).

Staff have been directed to create an anti-littering campaign with a memorable tag line or slogan that addresses issues related to fishing, pollution, and careless littering, and
ensure that the campaign runs for a minimum of one year from its launch.

Staff will report back to Council no later than Q1 2025 on the details of the campaign, including provisions and any budgetary impacts to install permanent signage to
promote the City’s efforts.

Please refer to Resolution #594/24.

City approves security camera investments at City Facilities and Parks

The installation and commissioning of these security cameras supports the City’s Community Safety & Well-Being Plan, aims to create safe and welcoming neighbourhoods, and will enhance the level of security for both the public and staff at City parks and facilities.

Security cameras will be installed in several locations.

  1. Exterior security cameras will be installed at City of Pickering Fire Stations 2, 5 and 6.
  2. The camera system at the George Ashe Library & Community Centre (GALCC) is obsolete and at the end of life. This project will install a modern system and allow the Main Branch of the Library to access the GALCC Library remotely.
  3. Cameras will be installed in four City parks. David Farr Park, Brockridge Park and Centennial Park, as all have washroom buildings. A fourth Park, Esplanade Park, will have a camera placed near the gazebo.
  4. Exterior cameras will be added to the Chestnut Hill Developments Recreation Complex (CHDRC) and the CHDRC Arena. This will allow for coverage of the exterior parking lots.
  5. All the exterior cameras at the Don Beer Arena will be replaced.
  6. Additional exterior cameras will be installed at the Operations Centre
  7. New exterior cameras will be added to City Hall. One camera will view the new park.

Other cameras will view the west side of Esplanade Park.

Please refer to Resolution #591/24

Read Report CS 37-24 for details.

Staff present final 2023 Year End Audit and Financial Statements

This Report, prepared by Deloitte, LLP, summarizes its findings from the December 31, 2023 audit and presents the draft Audited Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2023.

The auditor has provided an unmodified audit report on the financial statements. This means that the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the City and its operations, changes in its net financial assets and its cash flows in accordance with Canadian public sector accounting standards. The auditor did not identify any significant deficiencies during the audit to formally report to Council. In other words the City has a clean report.

Please refer to Resolution #588/24

Read Report FIN 19-24 for details.

View the official Meeting Minutes

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