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Asset Management Plan

The City of Pickering's Asset Management Plan gives an overview of the City's municipal asset health and financial preparedness in order to meet the service expectations of the community.  The plan is a living document that provides a roadmap to maintain and improve municipal assets into the future.

The City is required to have an Asset Management Plan as per Ontario Regulation 588/17.  Asset management is defined as: the coordinated activity of an organization to realize value from assets.  It considers all asset types, and includes all activities involved in the asset's life cycle from planning and acquisition/creation; to operational and maintenance activities, rehabilitation, and renewal; to replacement or disposal and any remaining liabilities.  Asset management is comprehensive and normally involves balancing costs, risks, opportunities and performance benefits to achieve the total lowest lifecycle cost for each asset.

Strategic Asset Management Policy

Our Strategic Asset Management Policy (FIN 080) expresses the commitment of the City to undertake Corporate Asset Management (CAM) in a manner which supports the City's mission to provide quality municipal services that enhance our social fabric, environmental sustainability and cultural vitality; contributing to economic prosperity in our community. It provides a framework to City staff on how to use best practices to manage municipal assets.

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One The Esplanade
Pickering, Ontario
Canada L1V 6K7


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