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Housing Strategy and Action Plan

On January 24, 2022, Council approved the Pickering Housing Strategy & Action Plan 2021-2031, December 22, 2021, and authorized staff to implement the actions identified in the plan.

The purpose of the Pickering Housing Strategy & Action Plan is to establish the City’s role and priorities in facilitating opportunities for developing a diverse range of housing, including affordable, age-friendly, and accessible housing in Pickering over the next 10 years (2021 – 2031).

One of the action items within the Pickering Housing Strategy & Action Plan 2021-2031 is the preparation of an annual housing monitoring report. The annual housing monitoring report provides an update on each of the action items from the housing study.

The 2022 Annual Housing Monitoring ReportReport PLN 17-23, includes an updated Pickering Housing Profile based on Statistics Canada 2021 Census data.

A healthy housing system offers a diverse mix of housing forms that can accommodate a variety of individuals and family needs.  A balanced housing market should include both rental and ownership options, and give people at all income levels access to safe and stable housing.

The Housing Strategy Study responds to Council direction (June 29, 2020, Resolution #352/20 and September 23, 2019, Resolution #140/19) and Action Item 1.1 of the City’s Age Friendly Community Plan, for staff to undertake a study to prepare a comprehensive housing strategy that focuses on the need for delivering more lifecycle housing options, including affordable and accessible units to support changing demographic conditions.

The sections below outline the Key Objectives of the Housing Strategy and the Phases, including reports and presentations that led to the Housing Strategy & Action Plan 2021-2031.

Key Objectives

The City of Pickering’s Housing Strategy Study provides a framework to ensure the City can support a supply of suitable (as it relates to the size of the household), adequate (as it relates to physical condition), and affordable (as it relates to household income) housing for all ages and abilities within its jurisdiction. This also ensures that the City meets the housing needs to support a diverse workforce.

The Pickering Housing Strategy Study included the following:

  • Identify housing priorities, policy alternatives, including recommendations for official plan policies and zoning regulations, and allocation of City resources;
  • Develop a baseline database of the City’s demographic profile, socio-economic characteristics of households and housing stock;
  • Develop a protocol for regular updating of the database;
  • Identify expected population and employment growth over the next ten years that will influence future housing needs;
  • Analyze the data and trends to identify the City’s housing needs and gaps;
  • Identify and examine the current policy and legislative context that influences the provision of housing, affordable housing and age friendly housing in the City;
  • Identify and examine the roles, responsibilities, and interrelationships between the City, the Regional Municipality of Durham and other levels of government, and the private and not-for-profit sector;
  • Recommend an Action Plan that identifies actions that the City may undertake to ensure an appropriate balance of housing types and tenure that meet the needs of a complete, prosperous community; and
  • Recommend a Monitoring Plan that will regularly update and review the baseline data set with the goal of identifying whether or not the goals and objectives of the Housing Strategy are being met, and if any modifications to the Action Plan are necessary to ensure that the goals and objectives of the Housing Strategy are met.

Reports, Videos & Other Documents

Project Initiation:

Report PLN 05-20

Pickering Housing Strategy Study and Association of Municipalities of Ontario Report titled “Fixing the Housing Affordability Crisis, Municipal Recommendations for Housing in Ontario”

Phase 1: 

In Phase 1 of the Study, City staff determined the housing gaps within the City, hosted a public open house, met with stakeholders, and reported to Planning & Development Committee.

Phase 2:

In Phase 2 of the Study, City staff prepared the Draft Housing Strategy & Action Plan, hosted a public open house, and reported to Planning & Development Committee.

Phase 3:

In Phase 3 of the Study, City staff incorporated appropriate modifications to the Phase 2: Draft Housing Strategy & Action Plan, and presented the Recommended Housing Strategy & Action Plan to Planning & Development Committee on January 10, 2022.

Recommendation Report PLN 02-22 was considered by Planning & Development Committee on January 10, 2022. The Committee added a new Action Item 3.8 to the Recommended Housing Strategy & Action Plan. 

At its meeting on January 24, 2022, Council adopted the Pickering Housing Strategy & Action Plan 2021-2031, and authorized staff to implement the actions identified in the plan.

City Contact

Brandon Weiler
Principal Planner, Policy
Phone: 905.420.4660 ext. 2147
Email Brandon Weiler
Mailing Address
City of Pickering
One The Esplanade
Pickering, ON  L1V 6K7


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Canada L1V 6K7


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