Sandy Beach Road
The City of Pickering has completed a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) and is currently advancing the detailed design for the proposed Sandy Beach Road reconstruction from Montgomery Park Road to Bayly Street. The Municipal Class EA study was conducted in accordance with the process under the Municipal Engineers Association's, Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) (October 2000, amended 2007, 2011 and 2015).
To obtain any of the study documentation listed below, please email Engineering Services.
- Project File Report
- Appendix A - Public Consultation
- Appendix B - Agency and First Nations Consultation
- Appendix C - Archaeology Assessment
- Appendix D - Cultural and Heritage Assessment
- Appendix E - Environmental Impact Assessment
- Appendix F - Geomorphological Assessment
- Appendix G - Geotechnical Assessment
- Appendix H - Traffic Analysis
- Appendix I - Hydraulic Analysis
- Appendix J - Response to Agencies Comments on Draft PFR
- Appendix K - Recommended Alternative Solution Drawing
- Notice of Study Commencement
- Notice of Study Completion

Sandy Sandy Beach Road is an Arterial Road Class C, from Bayly Street to 950 metres south of Bayly Street, and is a Collector Road from 950 south of Bayly Street to Montgomery Park Road, and is under the jurisdiction of the City of Pickering. It has an approximate Average Annual Daily Traffic volume of 4500. It is currently a two-lane roadway with a rural cross-section. It is located in the Brock Industrial Area servicing commercial businesses, Bay Ridges Kinsmen Park, Alex Robertson Park and the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station at the south end, and provides a means of access to the Bay Ridges neighbourhood to the west. The existing Waterfront Trail crosses Sandy Beach Road close to the intersection of Montgomery Road (refer to the Study Area shown on the key map).
Project Update
November 15, 2024
The City, with the assistance of T.Y. Lin International Canada Inc. is currently working on finalizing the design for the reconstruction of Sandy Beach Road. The scope of work includes the following:
- Reconstruction and urbanization of the existing roadway including installation of curb and gutter and local storm sewer system.
- Installation of multi-use path and concrete sidewalk in boulevards.
- Replacement of existing Krosno Creek culvert crossing to increase capacity and reduce flood risk.
- Krosno Creek channel rehabilitation.
- Local watermain and sanitary sewer improvements (Region of Durham component)
- Streetlighting upgrades.
- Utility relocations and property acquisition required to complete the above noted works.
Construction is anticipated to be completed in three phases:
Phase 1: Utility relocations, streetlighting and property acquisition to accommodate roadworks
Phase 2: Road reconstruction including storm sewer, watermain and sanitary sewer, culvert replacement, pedestrian facilities and active transportation.
Phase 3: Final lift of asphalt
More information regarding timelines will be shared once schedules and contracts are confirmed.
If you would like additional information, please contact the following Project Lead:
Kevin Heathcote, P.Eng.
Division Head, Capital Projects & Infrastructure
City of Pickering
Engineering Services Department
T. 905.420.4660 ext. 1112
Email Kevin Heathcote
Under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, unless otherwise stated in the submission, any personal information included in a submission will become part of the public record.
Contact Us
Engineering Services
One The Esplanade
Pickering, Ontario
Canada L1V 6K7
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