Council Highlights
February 24, 2025
Council endorses Microsoft Dynamics 365 platform as City’s primary customer relationship management solution
The City currently uses Microsoft 365 for email communication, Teams meetings, hybrid meeting room capability, and collaborative tools, such as SharePoint and OneDrive. Microsoft Dynamics consists of new features and functions which would be added to the Microsoft 365 platform to improve and simplify customer relations.
Staff will proceed with a Request for Proposal (RFP) to select an implementation partner.
Read Report IT 01-25 for details.
City to streamline development application review process
In late 2023, the City retained a consultant to conduct a review of its development application review process and identify opportunities to develop a more efficient and consistent process, improving service delivery, both internally and externally.
Council endorsed the findings of this process, which were outlined in the “City of Pickering Streamlining the Development Applications Review Process Final Report,” and authorized staff to carry out the Implementation Work Plan, as considered through future budget processes.
Read Report PLN 03-25 for details.
Council approves Zoning By-law Amendment A 03/20 (R1) for Durham Live Lands
The Zoning By-law Amendment application, submitted by Pickering Developments (Bayly) Inc., includes lands located south of a parcel of land owned by the City, formerly Kellino Street, and east of Squires Beach Road, having an area of approximately 5.3 hectares.
In April 2024, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing issued Minister Zoning Order (MZO) 164/24 to remove these lands from MZO 607/20. The applicant is proposing to rezone the removed lands from “Urban Reserve (UR)” to “Major Tourist Destination (MTD)” to allow for a range of tourism, commercial, and employment uses.
This rezoning essentially reinstates most of the land use permissions previously permitted under MZO 607/20. In response to feedback from the public and the Planning & Development Committee, the applicant has removed requests to permit new industrial land uses. The applicant’s immediate plan is to develop these lands for a driving range with accessory food, beverage, and entertainment facilities. A future Site Plan Approval application will be required for the development.
Read Report PLN 04-25 for details.
Council approves Municipal Accommodation Tax (MAT) By-law
MAT is a local tax applied to the purchase of transient accommodations such as hotels and motels. Its primary purpose is to generate revenue to support local tourism initiatives. The City will implement a MAT rate of 4%, effective May 1st, 2025.
There are a number of municipalities across Ontario who have imposed the MAT, with the most common rate set at 4%. As per the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O.2001, c.25, as amended (the Municipal Act), municipalities must assign a portion of the MAT revenue (50% of the MAT revenues after deduction of the municipality's reasonable costs) to an "eligible tourism entity."
The City will establish a new Municipal Services Corporation, named Destination Pickering, as its new tourism entity. Half of the MAT revenue will be allocated to Destination Pickering, whose mandate includes the promotion of tourism in Pickering, and the balance will be retained by the municipality to help fund tourism or tourism related infrastructure investments.
Short-term rentals such as VRBO and Airbnb will be subject to the MAT when a Short- Term Rental By-law is adopted by the City.
Read Report ECD 02-25 for details.
Council approves construction of artificial turf and lighting replacement at Bay Ridges Kinsmen Park and artificial turf replacement at Beverly Morgan Park
The City has awarded a construction contract for artificial turf and lighting replacement at Bay Ridges Kinsmen Park, as well as the replacement of artificial turf at Beverly Morgan Park.
The artificial turf at Beverly Morgan Park was originally installed in 2014. The artificial turf and sports field lighting at Jayde Riviere Field within Bay Ridges Kinsmen Park were installed in 2008 and 1978, respectively. All are past their lifecycles and require replacement. The scope of work includes replacement of existing artificial turf for both fields and new pole sports field lighting at Jayde Rivere Field within Bay Ridges Kinsmen Park.
Read Report OPS 02-25 for details.
City balances heritage preservation and economic growth in decision on Vardon House
Council has carefully considered the recommendations of the Pickering Heritage Advisory Committee and has approved the removal of 575 Highway 7 - known as the Vardon House - from the City’s Municipal Heritage Register, in accordance with Section 27 of the Ontario Heritage Act. This decision allows for the expansion of a food manufacturing facility proposed by Caplink Limited.
While the Vardon House is recognized for its historical significance, the Pickering Heritage Advisory Committee determined that the property does not meet the criteria for designation under Ontario Regulation 9/06. As a result, Council has supported the Committee’s recommendation to permit its demolition.
To honour the site’s history, the applicant is developing a Commemoration Plan that will incorporate salvaged materials from the Vardon House and barn. Further details of this plan will be shared with the Pickering Heritage Advisory Committee.
Read Report PLN 07-25 for details.
City passes motion to support ban of Nazi Swastika in Canada
The Mayor and Council will be sending a letter in support of B’Nai Brith’s call to the Government of Canada to pass legislation banning the public display of Nazi symbols and iconography, including the Nazi swastika.
Refer to Resolution #671/25 for details.
City passes motion to participate in Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Program
The City of Pickering will join the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower program and continue to explore new ways to make the City of Pickering’s customer experience more inclusive for all.
The Hidden Disabilities Sunflower program provides support to individuals living with hidden disabilities by providing a simple and discrete tool that allows individuals to voluntarily identify their needs without disclosing a particular condition.
Staff will research the appropriate level of Hidden Disabilities Sunflower membership, including associated costs, and report back to Council no later than the end of Q2 2025.
Refer to Resolution #672/25 for details.
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