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Sign Permits


Pickering's Sign By-law 8154/25 sets out the minimum requirements for all types of signs in the City. Depending on the sign, it may be necessary to obtain a permit or temporary license before you install it. It is important for you to confirm whether you need a permit or temporary license as some signs are entirely prohibited or restricted to certain locations.

Not sure whether your sign requires a permit or a license? Please contact the Building Services Department.

Permanent signs and signs with structural components require permits, and are administered by the City Development Department.

The permit process protects business owners from unfair practices, ensures the safe erection of signs and related structures, and helps control visual clutter in the community.

A permit will be issued if the sign complies with the City's Sign By-law, the Zoning By-law, the Ontario Building Code, and other applicable laws and regulations.

It is the property owner's responsibility to comply with all sign requirements.

A sign permit is required for the following sign types: (refer to Sign By-law 8154/25 for specific restrictions or exemptions)

  • Billboard Sign: A sign that is fastened, posted, painted or projected in such a manner as to permit its periodic replacement  and that advertises goods, products or services that are not  available at the location of the sign or that directs a person to a
    location different from where the sign is located. A billboard sign displays third-party advertising with images that may change mechanically and/or displays information or images on a digital or electronic screen. 
    • A sign permit will be required for new billboard signs or for existing billboard signs which are proposed to be substantially altered.
  • Canopy Sign: Any single-faced sign that is part of or attached to an awning, canopy or other fabric, plastic or structural protective element installed over a window, door, entrance, outdoor service  area or similar type of entrance way, movable or immovable.
  • Ground Sign: A permanent sign which is free standing in a fixed location and is wholly supported by a structural base erected on and in or upon the ground, but not part of a building, and includes a pylon sign, a directional sign, directory sign and drive-through sign, but does not include a billboard sign. 
  • Pylon Sign: A type of ground sign that is free standing in a fixed location and is wholly supported by a structural base erected on and in the ground, but not part of a building.
  • Wall Sign: A sign attached to a building wall, that projects from a wall, and a single-faced sign directly painted, marked on or inscribed on an exterior wall surface of a building, but shall not  include a mural. A wall sign may include a canopy sign,  directional sign and directory sign. 
  • Menu Board: Means a permanent sign erected as part of a drive-through facility and used to display, providing pricing for goods, food, and/or services and order products and services available at the premises.
  • Pre-Menu Board: Shall mean a sign erected at the entry to a stacking lane of a drive-through facility and used to display goods, food and/or services available at the premises.
  • Heritage Properties: A sign permit may be required, please contact the Heritage Department.
  • General Restrictions: Applicable to all signs, and those not otherwise defined or listed: refer to Section 5 of the Sign By-law.

A sign license is required for the following sign types: (refer to Sign By-law 8154/25 for specific restrictions or exemptions)

  • Banner Sign: A temporary sign of lightweight fabric, plastic or similar material.
  • Billboard Sign: A sign that is fastened, posted, painted or projected in such a manner as to permit its periodic replacement and that advertises goods, products or services that are not available at the location of the sign or that directs a person to a location different from where the sign is located. A billboard sign displays third-party advertising with images that may change mechanically and/or displays information or images on a digital or electronic screen.
  • Flag Sign: A sign made of cloth or lightweight non-rigid material that is attached by one edge to a pole or rope, and displays information, promotional or advertising content. (refer to Sign By-law for specific flag exemptions)
  • Inflatable Sign: A temporary sign filled by air or other gas that is either designed to be airborne or tethered to the ground, a vehicle, a roof or any other structure and includes balloons.
  • Portable Sign: Any temporary sign and/or any sign readily moveable from place to place, which is not anchored to the ground, including signs commonly referred to as a-frame, t-frame, sandwich boards, signs fixed to a trailer and any type of device used or capable of being used for advertising purposes.
  • Sidewalk Sign: A freestanding temporary sign, not affixed to the ground, advertising a business, service or product and installed on a sidewalk.

If you have any questions about your sign type, please call Building Services at 905.420.4631.

A sign permit is not required for the following sign types subject to specific provisions: (refer to Sign By-law 8154/25 for specific restrictions or exemptions). Should the provisions as outlined in By-law 8154/25 for the applicable sign(s) not be met, please contact Building Services for further direction.

  • Address Sign: A sign that depicts the municipal address or civic number of a property as regulated by this By-law and City Addressing By-law, as amended or replaced from time to time.
  • Automobile Service Station Sign: A sign on top of gasoline service pumps or on the columns of a gas bar canopy, on guard posts or freestanding on a gasoline pump apron and shall include signage for electrical vehicle charging stations.
  • Community Event Sign: A temporary sign that advertises a public event to be held in the City organized for a non-profit, civic, cultural, religious or recreational purpose.
  • Construction Information Sign: A temporary sign located on a property where a building is to be built, renovated or demolished indicating information related to design, construction, renovation, demolition, ownership and rental or sale, and may include the name of the project, the architect, engineer, and other firms associated with the project.
  • Development Sales Office Sign: A temporary sign located on a property where a temporary sales office has been legally erected, to identify the builder, subdivision/condominium marketing name and any other relevant information related to the sales office.
  • Development Sales Sign: A temporary sign directing people to a temporary sales office where new homes and other residential developments are marketed to the public.
  • Development Sign: A temporary sign that advertises a proposed development to be constructed and may include the project name and graphic depictions, the developer(s) and builder(s) names and contact information, and other pertinent information. A development sign shall not include a construction information sign, a development sales office sign, or a development sales sign.
  • Directional Sign: A sign that is intended solely for public information, safety or convenience in directing persons or traffic and shall contain no commercial advertising, but may include a corporate logo.
  • Directory Sign: A sign intended to identify the location of a building containing multiple occupancies.
  • Election Sign: has the meaning ascribed to it in Election Sign By-law, as amended or replaced from time to time.
  • Farm Sign: A sign advertising the sale of farm produce grown or produced on the property where the sign is located.
  • Filming Location Sign: A temporary sign identifying a site used for a film production.
  • Flag Sign: A sign made of cloth or lightweight non-rigid material that is attached by one edge to a pole or rope, and displays information, promotional or advertising content. (refer to the Sign By-law for specific flag exemptions/restrictions)
  • Garage/Yard Sale Sign: A temporary sign advertising a garage/yard sale of personal merchandise at a residential property, and includes any directional signs thereto.
  • Home-based Business Sign: A sign located on a property advertising an accessory business or occupation used or conducted in a residential premises on the property where the sign is located.
  • Home Improvement Sign: A temporary sign advertising or promoting landscaping, home repairs or home renovations.
  • Interior Sign: A sign located within the interior of a building that is intended to be seen outside of the building and includes a window sign. No person shall erect an interior sign unless it is erected in a window of a building used for office, commercial or industrial.
  • Model Home Sign: A temporary sign located on a property containing a model home for the purpose of marketing new residential construction.
  • No Trespassing Sign: An informational sign which relates exclusively to regulating access to a property upon which the sign is located.
  • Official Sign: A sign to be used, required by, or erected by any federal, provincial, regional, or municipal government, a public body or agency thereof or board or commission or public utility, including, but not limited to, signs designating hospitals, schools, libraries, community centres, arenas or other public government uses. Where signage is proposed for private use on public lands, authorization from the public body and a sign permit will be required.
  • Real Estate Sign: A temporary non-illuminated sign erected to advertise that a property, building or a portion of a building is offered for sale, rent or lease.
  • Real Estate Open House Sign: A temporary sign advertising that a property for sale, rent, or lease is available for public viewing during a specified date and time.
  • Sign Face Replacement: Replacement of a previously approved sign face, not within a Special Sign District, without modification of the signs area, shape, design, and construction.

If you have any questions about your sign type, or restrictions, please contact Building Services at 905.420.4631.

All applications for Sign Permits must be submitted electronically, using our online form. We are no longer accepting hard copy applications at our front service counter.

  1. Submit an online permit application form, or contact Building Services directly at 905.420.4631 to obtain a copy of the form.
  2. Submitting digital plans: Submissions must include a site location plan, sign plans, specifications, documents and other information describing the construction, dimensions, materials of the proposed sign(s) in sufficient detail to determine whether the sign will comply with all necessary laws and regulations. We have made the permanent switch to fully digital, please submit documents in PDF format. Contact a Building Services clerk directly at 905.420.4631 for a unique link to upload files.
  3. Pay the permit fee: Refer to the Schedule of Application Fees and Information Price List for a complete listing of sign permit fees. As fees are subject to change, you should confirm the correct amount with our building services staff before submitting your application. 

Sign permits are usually issued promptly if the proposed sign complies with the Sign By-law, property zoning, the Ontario Building Code, and other requirements, such as Ministry of Transportation, Ontario Heritage Act, or Site Plan Approval documents, if applicable.

Please contact Building Services to arrange an inspection. The City will conduct a site inspection before issuing the permit to confirm that the sign has not been unlawfully erected. 

Electrical inspections are completed independently by Ontario's Electrical Safety Authority. Call 1.877.372.7233 to arrange one. 

A professional engineer may be required to design certain sign structures, such as a sign that is projecting from a wall weighing more than 115 kg. 

If the proposed sign does not comply with the Sign By-law, you may apply for a variance.

When considering variance applications we consider:

  • the basis of the special circumstances that apply
  • the reasons why the by-law cannot be complied with
  • whether the proposal is consistent with the purpose and intent of the sign by-law

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