The annual Easter Parade seeks to provide an annual celebration of the Spring Season that is both entertaining and safe for all participants and spectators. Community groups, schools, sports groups, businesses and volunteer organizations are invited to submit applications to enter floats or performance groups to participate in the Parade. All parade participants must sign the Application Agreement.
Outlined below are the regulations pertaining to the Parade. Please read carefully to ensure that you are able to abide by ALL regulations before you complete and return your registration form.
- Submission of this form does not guarantee acceptance to participate in the Parade. Applicants will be notified in writing of their registration status within 10 business days.
- Eligible Parade participants include:
- Corporate or Commercial Entries
- Faith-based Organizations, Elementary/High Schools, Scouts/Cubs/Girl Guides, Sports Groups, Community Groups
- Not-for-profits
- Ineligible Parade participants include politically based parties and/or any Group, Individual, or Organization that:
- Violates any applicable laws, including City By-laws, Policies, and Procedures;
- Promotes alcohol, tobacco, and/or other addictive substances;
- Represents matters designed to incite hatred or disorder;
- Conveys a negative message that might be deemed prejudicial;
- Demonstrates intent to defame the integrity of Pickering Council; and/or
- Presents demeaning or derogatory portrayals of individuals or groups or contains anything, which in light of generally prevailing community standards, is likely to cause deep or widespread offence.
- Elected officials are eligible to participate in the Parade by invitation of the City of Pickering only.
- Grounds for rejection or removal from the Parade include:
- If the Group is not registered to participate in the Parade and/or has not been approved by the City of Pickering in writing to participate;
- If the proof of concept provided or design executed is deemed unsafe by the City and/or poses a risk or threat to participants or spectators;
- If the parade participants and/or the design (costumes, float, etc.) executed is not consistent with the registration information approved by the City;
- Distributing unapproved Candy, or any Literature, Leaflets, Flyers, Promotional Materials, Coupons, or Other Items to participants or spectators;
- Selling or offering for sale any commodity, service, food, or drink on the day of the Parade;
- Canvassing or asking for donations along the Parade route;
- Unsafe or reckless driving;
- Failure to abide with the Rules & Regulations set out in this agreement; and
- Failure to comply with any provisions of City of Pickering Parades By-law 3825/70.
- Parade participants must:
- Represent themselves with some form of signage consistent with the registration information approved by the City (either carried at the head of the group or mounted on the front of the float vehicle).
- Conduct themselves in an orderly fashion – marchers, if any, are required to walk behind the head of the unit, not in front.
- Execute the agreed upon parade design concept (float, costumes, etc.) in keeping with the submission(s) made to the City.
- Float/vehicle entries:
- Must be in good repair, road-worthy condition.
- Cannot surpass the maximum of two (2) vehicles per entry. NOTE: a truck pulling a trailer constitutes ONE vehicle. Emergency vehicles ONLY are exempt. More than two vehicles require a second entry.
- Must provide accurate measurements – no estimates. Length is to be calculated from the front bumper of the “pulling” vehicle to the rear bumper of the float. The overall length measurement must include the vehicle pulling your float. If the entry is wider than a standard tractor trailer width, please indicate so on your application. If the entry is longer, wider or higher than the measurements you have supplied, you may not be permitted to enter the parade due to space restrictions and safety concerns.
- Must be operated by a driver holding a valid driver’s licence and insurance for the vehicle type.
- Accompanying vehicles (i.e. the truck to pull the trailer):
- Must be at least 50% decorated in accordance with the theme or in seasonal fashion.
- Cannot accompany marchers unless decorated and deemed an integral part of the Group’s parade design concept.
- For safety reasons:
- Decorations or skirting should not interfere with the procession of floats/vehicles. Please secure all items carefully.
- Parade participants cannot move between their float/vehicle to the ground or another float/vehicle during the parade.
- Groups must remain in the established procession order and shall not interfere with or intrude on other Groups’ space during formation or along the parade route.
- Approved Candy must be handed to spectators and cannot be thrown.
- If a parade participant slows or impedes the progress of the procession, they may be directed to withdraw from the parade.
- Only approved Candy may be handed out in or along the parade route.
- Horse drawn vehicles are not permitted in the parade.
- The official parade Easter Bunny is provided by The Corporation of the City of Pickering and is the only Easter Bunny allowed in the parade. No other entry may depict the Easter Bunny.
- The representative of the Group submitting this form is responsible for ensuring all parade participants within their Group understand and comply with the Rules & Regulations set out in this agreement.
- Failure to abide by this agreement may result in the removal from the parade formation and/or not being accepted for participation in future parades. At its sole discretion, the City may remove any entry that fails to abide by the rules set out in this agreement at any time, or as mandated by Parades By-law 3825/70.
- Exhibitor property and vehicle Insurance and HST is the responsibility of the exhibitor. The exhibitor is also responsible for any loss due to collision, theft, damage, fire, or any other damage incurred to the exhibitor’s vehicle or property while participating in the Easter Parade. The Corporation of the City of Pickering will not be held liable.
- Proof of insurance is required for all Commercial/Corporate Entries, Faith-Based Organizations, Elementary/High Schools, Scouts/Cubs/Girl Guides, Sport Groups, and Not-for-profit groups. This may include Commercial Liability, Commercial Auto Liability, and/or personal auto insurance for the driver. Some exemptions may apply for Community Groups.