Protect your Property from Flooding
Who to contact:
- If you are in danger, call 911 immediately.
- TRCA 24-hour floodline: 416.661.6514
- Email: flood.message@trca.on.ca
- Website: trca.ca/flood
The Toronto and Region Conservation Authority issues flood messages to Pickering on behalf of the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. Follow @TRCA_Flood on Twitter for regular messaging.
Flooding is considered the most significant natural hazard in Ontario in terms of death, damage and civil disruption.
When faced with a flood it is important you have the right information to fully understand the risks, what causes them and what to do in the event of a flood. Understanding your flood risk is the first step in safeguarding your home or business.
What types of flooding can affect Pickering residents?
Did you know that there are several types of flooding? Different levels of government are responsible for different types of flooding.
- Riverine flooding, which occurs when the water levels of rivers rise, overflowing their banks. Reducing riverine flood risk is under the mandate of Conservation Authorities like TRCA.
- Shoreline flooding occurs when critical high-water levels and waves result in shoreline flooding and/or erosion and is monitored by Conservation Authorities.
- Urban or Pluvial flooding consists of street flooding, basement flooding, and flooding of other low-lying areas due to the overflow of local drainage systems. Municipalities are responsible for managing this type of flooding. Basement flooding - what you should know.
The Toronto and Region Conservation Authority issues riverine and shoreline flood messages on behalf of the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources as part of the Flood Forecasting and Warning Program. The program operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and provides advice and warning to municipalities for the forecasted timing and severity of potential flooding events from rivers and streams.
Flood Tips
- Flood messages – Know the difference between a Flood Watch and a Flood Warning. A Watch means flooding is possible, while a Warning means flooding is occurring or will happen soon. Visit TRCA for flood forecasting and warning. Sign up to receive flood messages at trca.ca/floodmessages.
- before a flood - turn off basement furnace and main gas valves and unplug appliances and electronics. (Do not attempt to shut off electricity if any water is present. Water and live electrical wires can be lethal. Leave your home immediately and do not return until authorities indicate it is safe to do so.)
- before a flood - move furniture, electrical appliances and other belongings to floors above ground level
- during a flood - if you are in a car, do not drive through flood waters or underpasses. The water may be deeper than it looks and your car could get stuck or swept away by fast water. An average car cannot pass through water deeper than 0.3 m (1 foot).
- after a flood - appliances that may have been flooded pose a risk of shock or fire when turned on. Do not use any appliances, heating, pressure, or sewage system until electrical components have been thoroughly cleaned, dried, and inspected by a qualified electrician.
- Basement flooding: what you should know
View more flood tips from the TRCA.
Visit the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources for more information on flooding in Ontario.
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