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Council Meeting Highlights: January 23, 2023

Council approves $100,000 investment in The Charles H. Best Diabetes Centre
Council heard from Lorrie Hagen, Executive Director, and Serge Babin, Board Chair, The Charles H. Best Diabetes Centre, who requested the City consider an investment of $100,000 (to be paid over a four-year period) that would support the expansion of the organization’s current site.
The Charles H. Best Diabetes Centre services patients and their families from all of Durham Region. By expanding the site, the Centre will be able to provide additional patient counselling space and increase its expertise care.
Council unanimously approved including the $100,000 investment in the 2023 Budget process.
Council against issuing a Minister’s Zoning Order at 3060 Highway 7 at current time
Council received correspondence from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing, regarding a request they received to issue a Minister’s Zoning Order (MZO) under s.47 of the Planning Act at 3060 Highway 7 in Pickering.
The purpose of the MZO is to facilitate a 128-bed long-term care home along with ancillary institutional, commercial, and residential uses. The correspondence requested the Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing be advised that the City does not object to the issuance.
Council recognizes the need for more government-funded long-term care facilities, but could not support the granting of an MZO at this time for the following reasons:

  • there has not been any consultation with the First Nations People, Mississaugas of Scugog Islands
  • there are potential environmental impacts on abutting rivers and/or tablelands
  • there is insufficient infrastructure such as roads, water, sanitary sewers and other such infrastructure

Council supports staff recommendation to not comment on Envision Durham
The Region of Durham has requested further input on its Draft Settlement Area Boundary Expansions and Area Municipal Growth Allocations, as part of its Envision Durham project.
City staff feel that it is premature to comment further on the Envision Durham reports at this time. Council supports staff recommendations to refrain from providing further comments.
Council approves budget to purchase new equipment for Pickering Fire Services
Council provided pre-budget approval for the 2023 Capital Budget for the purchase of new portable radios for Pickering Fire Services staff. This $500,000 investment will be funded from a five-year internal loan.
2023 Interim Tax Levy approved
Council approved the City’s 2023 Interim Property Tax Levy Instalment due dates, which will be February 27, 2023 and April 27, 2023.
Council orders review of existing Boards & Advisory Committees
Council directed staff to conduct a review of all Boards & Advisory Committees, and that the review include the creation of three new Advisory Committees:

  1. Waterfront Visionary Advisory Committee (to advise on best practices to preserve the Nautical Village marine theme and restore a waterfront that is environmentally sustainable and accessible).
  2. Community Safety and Wellbeing Advisory Committee (to be responsible for the creation of a Homelessness Task Force that will work in partnership with Regional staff to look at how to best address the needs of the homeless population).
  3. Local & Small Business Advisory Committee (to advise on impacts of City policy implications and the measures that will assist businesses impacted by the intensification along Kingston Road).

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