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Council Meeting Highlights: January 27, 2025

January 27, 2025 

Council endorses Community Risk Assessment and Fire Master Plan

This plan was developed to address fire protection services and emergency response needs over the next 7-10 years. The staff report outlines the strategic framework for improving fire safety, including staffing, station locations, and community risk mitigation, and includes recommendations prioritized on urgency and resource requirements.

Read Report FIR 01-25 for details.


Staff deliver 2024 Progress Report on Corporate Strategic Plan

The City’s Corporate Strategic Plan includes a Vision, Mission, Corporate Values, Principles & Beliefs, six Strategic Priorities, and a Corporate Key. These elements encompass 23 areas of strategic focus and 88 Specific Actions, designed to guide the efforts of Council and Staff in achieving the outlined goals. The staff report provides an annual status update on the implementation of the plan.

Read Report CAO 01-25 for details.


Council approves proposal submitted for Krosno Creek Stormwater Management Facility K-16

The proposal was submitted by Aquafor Beech Limited, in response to Request for Proposal No. RFP2024-13 for the Feasibility Analysis and Detailed Design for Krosno Creek Stormwater Management (SWM) Facility-K16.

This project was identified as a Schedule B Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) undertaking in the Frenchman’s Bay Stormwater Management Master Plan.

The Master Plan consists of a suite of projects, programs and policies designed to address issues related to flooding, erosion and poor water quality in Frenchman’s Bay and its tributary watersheds.

Read Report ENG 01-25 for details.


Council approves By-law to allow for timed parking restrictions on Pickering Parkway

To address parking concerns on Pickering Parkway, Engineering Services staff reviewed the south side of Pickering Parkway to allow for on-street parking during the times when the food bank is open.

Based on the review, staff recommended to replace the existing parking restrictions (anytime) on the south side of Pickering Parkway with No Parking (anytime) except from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm, Monday to Friday. This proposed parking restriction would be from 70 metres east of Valley Farm Road to 275 metres east of Valley Farm Road.

Read Report ENG 02-25 for details.


Council adopts 2025 Interim Levy and Interim Tax Instalment Due Dates

Council adopted a by-law that establishes an interim tax levy to all property classes, payment due dates, and penalty and interest charges. Under Provincial legislation, the interim levy can be no more than 50 per cent of the previous year’s annualized taxes.

The 2025 tax due dates are relatively unchanged from prior years.

Read Report FIN 01-25 for details.


Council approves expropriation of lands for construction of future fire hall

City Council, as approving authority under the Expropriations Act (the “Act”), has approved the expropriation of lands (the “Property”) municipally known as 1521 Bayly Street, Pickering, for the purpose of constructing a new fire station to replace the existing, aging Fire Station No. 5 located at 1618 Bayly Street.

Read Report LEG 01-25 for details.


Council receives update on Pickering Housing Strategy & Action Plan and affordable and rental housing tracking

The first annual housing monitoring report was submitted to Council in June 2023 and contained statistics regarding affordable and rental housing to the end of December 2022. This is the second annual report, containing statistics on affordable and rental housing and other relevant metrics monitored to the end of December 2023.

Read Report PLN 02-25 for details.


Staff provide 2025 Financial Housekeeping Report

In this Report, Council approved a number of financial housekeeping items including:

  • An increase to the 2025 Low Income Seniors & Persons with Disabilities Tax Grant amount, from $560 to $600 per household.

Read Report FIN 02-25 for details.


Staff to revisit Ward Boundary Review

Council adopted new ward boundaries in August 2021 (set out in By-law 7875/21) following a review of the City’s ward boundaries by Watson & Associates Economists Ltd.

This By-law was appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) and although the appeal was withdrawn, the deadline for the new ward boundaries to take effect for the 2022 Municipal Election was not met in accordance with the requirements under the Municipal Act.

The new ward boundaries set out in By-law 7875/21 will take effect for the 2026 Municipal Election unless otherwise amended by the prescribed timelines set out in the Municipal Act. Over the past five years since the original review was conducted, population growth patterns and projections have changed, and because of this, Council directed staff to retain Watson & Associates Economists Ltd., to reconsider the findings in its Final Report titled, “2020/2021 Ward Boundary Review, City of Pickering” dated June, 2021. The review is to be based on available and updated population data, and to make recommendations on any appropriate adjustments to the ward boundaries set out in By-law 7875/21, and that such adjustments be consistent with applicable law and best practices used in the Consultant’s report. The review will ascertain whether the boundaries that were set in 2021 are still relevant and equitable from an effective representation perspective. The review will include a public engagement component to provide residents with opportunity to understand any proposed ward changes and provide their input.  

View the official Meeting Minutes

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