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Mayor Ashe’s Statement in response to Pickering Lands Announcement

Pickering, ON, January 28, 2025 - For over fifty years, the question of whether to proceed with building an airport in Pickering has been a subject of spirited discussion and debate within our community.

In this span, we have consistently advocated for clarity and decisive action from the federal government and appreciate the thoughtful deliberation invested in making this determination. We can now move forward with confidence, focusing on the City’s core priorities as we work to build a vibrant and prosperous future for our residents, businesses, and visitors.

The Government of Canada plans to transfer high-conservation-value lands to Parks Canada to support the expansion of Rouge National Urban Park. As host to a significant portion of the park, we commend this commitment to advancing conservation efforts and enhancing one of the GTA’s most cherished natural assets.

The City looks forward to collaborating with the federal government throughout the planning process and actively participating in the forthcoming consultations on the site’s future uses. We remain committed to fostering meaningful dialogue and collaboration with all stakeholders while advocating for opportunities that maximize both environmental and economic benefits. This represents a valuable opportunity to drive long-term prosperity for Pickering and Durham Region’s growing communities.

Mayor Kevin Ashe
City of Pickering


As the gateway to the east GTA, Pickering (population 114,000) is strategically located where Toronto, York and Durham Regions meet. An award-winning municipality, Pickering is slated for significant economic and residential growth; offering an unparalleled quality of life for those who live, work, and play here. Its dynamic City Centre has been designated by the Province of Ontario as both an Urban Growth Centre and Mobility Hub, and continues to evolve as a preferred destination for creative learning, memorable events, and unique experiences at the heart of a vibrant, connected, and engaged community.

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