Migizi (Bald Eagle) Saves The World
Migizi (Bald Eagle) Saves The World is a new temporary public artwork by Nyle Miigizi Johnston to be installed on the balcony (facing Esplanade Park) of City Hall. The work is to be unveiled on November 15, 2024, as part of Winter Nights, City Lights 2024 and it will remain on site until January 31, 2025. This work is funded by Ontario Power Generation (OPG).
About the Artwork:

"This light sculpture for Pickering is made out of CNC cut and printed aluminum composite material, acrylic and LED lights. Migizi Saves The World embodies the powerful Creation Story passed down through generations, recounting a time when the Anishinaabek faced discord and conflict on Turtle Island. In those days, the people had strayed from living in harmony with each other and Creation, prioritizing ego and pride over respect and humility. Creator, displeased with the misuse of ceremony for personal gain amidst conflict, decided to send Epingishmook (Western Spirit) to bring destruction four days hence.
However, just before sunrise on the fourth day, Migizi soared skyward to plead with Creator. Migizi conveyed that despite the prevailing discord, there were still humble Anishinaabek who, with puffs of tobacco from their pipes, endeavored to live in harmony with Creation. Migizi pledged to search diligently at dawn for those living in a good way. Touched by this commitment, Creator agreed to spare the earth.
We express our gratitude to Migizi for unwavering belief and love, always standing as a symbol of hope. Thank you, Migizi, for your enduring faith in us and your boundless love."
- Nyle Miigizi Johnston
About the Artist
Nyle Miigizi Johnston is a multidisciplinary artist, his spirit name is Wiishkoonseh Miigizi’enh meaning Whistling White Headed Eagle. Johnston grew up in Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation. The sources of his artistic inspiration include woodland painters, storytellers and the traditions of his indigenous culture. Johnston uses his gift of storytelling to connect his peoples’ stories of love and healing through his art. His work has been exhibited widely in institutions; public and private spaces including The Art Gallery of Ontario, The University of Toronto and The Royal Ontario Museum. Johnston has participated in a number of public projects and his work can be seen throughout the City.
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