Pickering Victorious with LPAT Dismissal of Waterfront Development Application
Today, the City of Pickering is claiming a landmark victory in preserving the unique character of its waterfront with the Local Planning Appeals Tribunal’s (LPAT) dismissal of a condominium development application for an 8-storey condominium building at Frenchman’s Bay.
After considering the evidence and submissions over the past two years, the LPAT sided with the City of Pickering and ruled that the development application for 1280-1294 Wharf Street and 607 Annland Street did not conform sufficiently to the intended direction, legitimate land use planning framework, and vision set out in the City of Pickering’s Official Plan. In essence, the City had successfully argued that an 8-storey condominium building was just not appropriate for its waterfront.
“This decision is a major victory for the City of Pickering and its residents. It recognizes our inherent right to plan for and ultimately decide the future of our waterfront – one of our community’s most treasured and irreplaceable assets,” said Kevin Ashe, Deputy Mayor. “As we have stated from the onset, the bar for our waterfront has been set very high. We trusted the process, and have proven that the process works. Moving forward, staff and Council will hold any other waterfront development applications to the same rigorous standards.”
Key Dates
- Complete development application received – May 3, 2017
- Public Open House – October 11, 2017
- Statutory Public Meeting – November 6, 2017
- LPAT pre-hearing conference – March 21, 2018
- Council rejects development application as per staff recommendation – April 10, 2018
- LPAT hearings – July 29 to August 6, 2019
- LPAT dismisses development application – March 20, 2020
As the gateway to the east GTA, Pickering (population 94,000) is strategically located where Toronto, York and Durham Regions meet. An award-winning municipality, Pickering is slated for significant economic and residential growth; offering an unparalleled quality of life for those who live, work, and play here. Its dynamic City Centre has been designated by the Province of Ontario as both an Urban Growth Centre and Mobility Hub, and continues to evolve as a preferred destination for creative learning, memorable events, and unique experiences at the heart of a vibrant, connected, and engaged community.
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