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Spirit of Pickering - Gather, Inspire, Live and Work

The Spirits of Pickering are sculptures that represent the people of Pickering. It shows the many parts of life that are embodied. And each includes parts that can be moved and played with, most often being bells or chimes. In a way, this shows how we can interact with others in the community, much like we can interact with the moving parts of these sculptures.

Gather Sculpture

Image of the sculpture  “Gather” by Geordie Lishman located in The Esplanade Park, Pickering

“Gather” is a stainless-steel sculpture located in The Esplanade Park, Pickering made by Geordie Lishman, as a part of the Spirits of Pickering series. It depicts a person in tuxedo, with a bowtie and top hat, covered in meshing gears. As the ringleader of sorts, dressed for any occasion, the little bird inside the sculpture's hat provides a light-hearted nature to the overall appearance. His head can be turned causing chimes to ring creating a sweet melody.

Inspire Sculpture

Image of the sculpture  “Inspire” by Geordie Lishman located in The Esplanade Park, Pickering

“Inspire” is a stainless-steel sculpture made by Geordie Lishman, as a part of the Spirits of Pickering series. This one is the most detailed, radiating a sensation of energy and happiness. Much like the others in the series, the sculpture comes with interactive component. In this case, there is a single, large chime inside the sculpture, which can be rung by pushing the fringe around the hips of the dress. The result is an interesting hip-checking, chiming, dancing experience.

Live Sculpture

Image of the sculpture  “Live” by Geordie Lishman located in The Esplanade Park, Pickering

“Live” is a stainless-steel sculpture located in The Esplanade Park, Pickering made by Geordie Lishman, as a part of the Spirit of Pickering series. It depicts a pregnant woman. Hanging in her belly is a star, representative of the lives that were born and raised in Pickering. Much like the others in the Spirit of Pickering series, there are parts of the sculpture to be played with by park-goers. In this case, there are bells in her hand that imitate grapes, which can be rung.

Work Sculpture

Image of the sculpture  “Work” by Geordie Lishman located in The Esplanade Park, Pickering

“Work” is a stainless-steel sculpture located in The Esplanade Park, Pickering made by Geordie Lishman, as a part of the Spirits of Pickering series. Everyone has made this pose, whether for sweeping, mopping, raking, digging, or pulling roots. This sculpture has a shade hat and overalls, and his appearance is embellished with stairs and ladders as a celebration for early Pickering’s rise of industry, and the climb to success. His tool leads to a chime for anyone to ring.

About the Artist

Geordie Lishman has created numerous commissioned artworks, ranging from the small and ornamental, to the extremely large and evocative; his pieces often portray community narratives and utilize sustainable, recycled metal, rock and water.

To learn more about the artist, visit Geordie’s website.

View the location of these pieces on the Public Art Map: GatherInspireLiveWork 

The City Centre Enhancement Project at the east end of Esplanade Park has been made possible through grant funding from the AMO Ontario Main Street Revitalization Initiative. 

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