- Balsdon Park
- Beverley Morgan Park
- Bidwell Tot Lot
- Bruce Handscomb Memorial Park
- David Farr Memorial Park, South
- Diana Princess of Wales Park
- Douglas Park
- Dunmoore Park
- East Woodlands Park
- Glen Ravine Park
- J. McPherson Park
- Kitley Ravine
- Mitchell Park
- Parkham Parkette
- Progress East Frenchman's Bay
- Rick Hull Memorial Park
- Shadybrook Park
- Village East Park
Park Stewardship Program
The Park Stewardship Program encourages schools, businesses and community groups to become actively involved in their local parks. By keeping this area clean, you will be promoting a positive image and discouraging litter.
To recognize your group’s efforts, a special sign will be erected in your adopted park, featuring the group’s name, as well each group will receive a Certificate of Recognition from the Mayor.
Parks Available for the Parks Stewardship Program
Park Stewardship Program Guidelines
As part of the Park Stewardship program your group will:
- coordinate a minimum of 3 cleanups per year
- report any vandalism
- regularly visit your park to monitor its upkeep and report any maintenance requirements to the City
Park Stewardship partners will be responsible for placement of filled garbage bags in an area designated by the City, advising the City when the bags are available for pick up. The City will be responsible for the pick-up and disposal of the bagged garbage, and will provide all bags, gloves and safety brochures to the adoptive partner, as needed. Signs will be installed following a one year commitment to the program.
All participants must follow the City’s safety guidelines when engaging in maintenance activities.
The Park Stewardship Program is open to Pickering-based groups only.
The City of Pickering will:
- help you choose an appropriate park
- provide you with free cleanup supplies
- help with maintenance requirements
- erect a recognition sign in the park
- provide a certificate of appreciation
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