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Reflections Garden

Esplanade Park was the focus of a Provincial Main Street grant from 2018-2020. Through that funding, the City installed several pieces of permanent public art, including four sculptures by artist Geordie Lishman titled: Spirit of Pickering, and two sculptures by artist Ron Baird titled: Pollinators. Phase One upgrades (landscaping and seating) were also completed in 2020. At that time, only Phase 1 of the Project was implemented in Esplanade Park.

In Phase 2, the City created a Reflections Garden in Esplanade Park. In response to the pandemic, the garden provides a public space for people to practice self-care and reflection. The park includes sensory plantings, accessible seating, and playable music instruments. New public artwork has been installed, titled: Reflections by artists Studio F Minus.

This landmark project, located at the north east corner of Esplanade Park, provides space for residents and visitors to relax, reflect and immerse themselves into tranquil musical tunes.

The Reflections Garden was officially unveiled on May 27, 2023 during the opening ceremony of Artfest, Pickering's annual art festival.

Additional Information

Reflections by Studio F Minus was installed in Esplanade Park in 2023 as part of Phase 2 - Meditation, Mindfulness and Music.

Funded by Canada

“Not only does the sculpture function as a focal point for quiet reflection and contemplation for those who seek it, its captivating, multi-faceted, mirrored surface inspires playful interaction that is fully inclusive to Pickering’s diverse range of residents and tourists.” – Studio F Minus 

To learn more about the permanent public art click here.  

An array of acoustically and aesthetically interactive outdoor musical instruments will be installed at the garden. The Freenotes Harmony Park musical instruments are durable, sustainable and tuned sound sculptures that will further enhance the Reflections Garden.


Alongside the musical instruments, the Reflections Garden includes a shade structure and additional seating. To tie it all together the shade structure’s steel roof is laser cut with a custom musical note pattern. This makes the space an ideal location for family and community gatherings.

Pickering’s community was impacted significantly by COVID-19, in particular, the families of victims of the pandemic; those living in long term care - Orchard Villa; our first responders; and front-line workers.

The Reflections Garden is a reminder of the lives of those we lost during COVID-19 and how we need time to self-reflect and heal from the loss and grief.

This bright spot is a reminder that although our loved ones are gone they are not forgotten and will continue to be a part of us in a transformed state – one of memory and influence – that swings in and out of our daily lives.

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One The Esplanade
Pickering, Ontario
Canada L1V 6K7


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