Alex Robertson Park
The park is located on the shore of the 134 acre Hydro Marsh and accessible from Sandy Beach Road.
This 48 acre park includes a number of popular hiking and running trails making it a destination for joggers, cyclists and those just looking to explore a little further along Pickering's Waterfront Trail.
The park is a popular spot for community activities and has become a demonstration site for restoring open spaces to a more natural state as well as numerous stewardship activities.
These activities include: naturalization plantings, viewing platforms, wood duck boxes, snake hibernaculums, turtle basking logs, and tern rafts. Keep your eyes open for these exciting initiatives while you explore the park!
- seating areas
- 1 cricket pitch
- free parking and access to waterfront trail
Home Place
Home Place is located within Alex Robertson Park. It is a structural design by Canadian artist, Dorsey James. The different designs of the structure symbolize a variety of time periods, cultures and beliefs, drawing in visitors from all over.
The most recognizable of these structures is the hydro pole arrangement atop the hill. The poles grow in height toward the centre, acknowledging individual growth as well as the growth, evolution and prosperity of the community.
The Home Place Sculptures have been a popular waterfront attraction since its official opening in September, 2001.
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