For ease of wayfinding, a municipal address is assigned to all properties based on the location of the structures on that property. A municipal address consists of 2 parts:
- the civic number; and
- the street name
The civic number is assigned by the City of Pickering, City Development Department, according to specific, standard operating procedures. Under By-law 7686/19, a property owner can apply to change the civic number portion of their property’s municipal address, if:
- the request is made by the owner;
- the request does not conflict with By-law 7686/19 or the Standard Operating Procedure for assigning civic numbers;
- the request improves emergency response service; and
- abutting owners are not adversely affected by the change.
Street names changes are not regulated by By-law 7686/19. If you have questions regarding the changing of the name of the street on which your property is located or the legal process required for this change, please contact Corporate Services, Legal Services at 905.420.4626 or email Legal Services.
‘Mailing addresses’ are different from ‘municipal addresses’ as they include a postal code. Postal codes are assigned by Canada Post. If you have questions or concerns regarding postal codes, please contact your local Canada Post Office. The main Pickering postal outlet is located at 1740 Kingston Road, Pickering and can be reached toll free at 1.866.607.6301. If you wish to update your mailing address with the City please contact both the Finance Department, Taxation at 905.420.4614 or email Corporate Services and the City Development Department at 905.420.4617 or email City Development.
How do I apply for a change to my civic number?
Fill out the Application to Change Civic Numbers form. Completed forms must be submitted in person at City Hall:
City Development Department
Pickering City Hall
One The Esplanade
Pickering, ON L1V 6K7
Refer to the Schedule of Application Fees and Information Price List for the required fee at the time of application. The payment can be made in person with your application, by cheque, debit, cash or credit card.