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Boulevard / Driveway Apron Parking

To help accommodate increasing needs for residential parking, the City of Pickering recently updated the regulations related to parking of vehicles on residential driveway aprons.

This update allows for operative vehicles to be parked parallel or perpendicular to the road as long as they are not overhanging the road or sidewalk or the tires are not on the grass.

The following illustrations provide an example of how to park legally on the boulevard and an example of when tickets might be issued.

Please be aware that parking on the boulevard as illustrated is only legal for the purposes of the Traffic and Parking By-law. It does not constitute a legal or required parking spot for compliance with the Zoning By-law.

Image 1: Vehicles parked legally

Driveway example; Vehicles parked legally

Image 2: Vehicles subject to ticketing

Driveway example: Vehicles subject to ticketing

If you have any questions about how to legally park on a boulevard, please email By-law enforcement


The City's Traffic & Parking By-law 6604/05, is in place to maintain safe conditions for pedestrians and traffic, and accommodate traffic flow.  For additional details, please view the list of Traffic & Parking By-law Schedules.

Highlights - What You Need to Know

This by-law is actively enforced by our Parking Control Officers.

  1. December 1 – March 31 there is no parking on streets from 2:00 am - 5:00 am (see 3 hour parking rule below)
  2. During snow-clearing operations, vehicles are not permitted to park on City streets or highways (see 3 hour parking rule below)
  3. Except for 1 & 2 above, vehicle parking is limited to a maximum of 3 hours on all City streets unless otherwise posted – this is in effect 24 hours a day, year round
  4. Fines for parking infractions can range from $35.00 to $500.00

If you do not act on one of the options within the timeframe indicated on your parking ticket you will be convicted, and the fines will continue to increase as the ticket progresses to plate denial.

Other Common Parking Infractions

  • parking in a signed no-parking area
  • parking/stopping in a signed no-stopping area
  • parking in a disabled parking space
  • parking/stopping in a fire route
  • parking in the turning circle of a cul-de-sac
  • parking on or over a sidewalk
  • parking within 3 metres of a fire hydrant or super mailbox
  • parking within 1 metre of a driveway or laneway
  • parking facing the wrong way
  • parking on a municipal boulevard
  • parking on private property without consent / authorization

In April 2024, the City of Pickering updated the regulations related to parking of vehicles on residential driveway aprons. This update allows for operative vehicles to be parked parallel or perpendicular to the road as long as they are not on the grass, overhanging the road or sidewalk.

The following definitions have been added to the by-law:

  • Driveway Apron means: the hard surfaced portion of the boulevard in front of and leading from the travelled portion of the roadway to a private driveway.
  • Operative means: a vehicle that is ready for immediate use. This includes but is not limited to: valid plates, insurance, in running condition, and is not outwardly in a state of disrepair, or incapable of being operated on the road immediately.

Updated Parking Provision:

  • Section 15 states: No person shall park on any boulevard except on a Driveway Apron provided that the vehicle is Operative, not encroaching into the travelled portion of the roadway, or into a sidewalk, or on the grassed portion of the boulevard and this section shall allow parking perpendicular or parallel to the roadway. In addition, a vehicle may park on a boulevard at the locations specified and in accordance with the specific time limits set forth in Schedule 13 of this by-law.
  • Please be aware that vehicles parked on the grass, overhanging onto the road or sidewalk will be subject to ticketing.

If you have any questions about how to legally park on a boulevard, please email By-law enforcement.

The City has introduced an on-line parking consideration request system that will send information directly to parking officers once the request is received. This will help eliminate the ticketing of vehicles that have requested parking consideration after business hours. It will also provide a confirmation of the request.

The City of Pickering accepts requests for parking consideration to allow residents or guests to park on the street in excess of 3 hours or between 2:00 am - 5:00 am (December 1 - March 31).

Parking consideration is granted for special circumstances such as overnight guests, driveway repairs, out-of-town visitors, construction, special functions, etc.

Parking consideration is granted a maximum of 21 days per calendar year, per vehicle license plate.

The exemption provided applies only to the 3 hour parking maximum or 2:00 am - 5:00 am parking prohibition. All other parking restrictions remain in effect, including prohibited parking and stopping areas, fire routes and the requirement to remove all vehicles from the street during snow clearing operations.

Under no circumstances is parking consideration granted for commercial, oversize, inoperable or unplated vehicles or trailers.

Submit a request for parking consideration. You will need to provide your name, address, telephone number, email address, vehicle(s) make and model, licence plate(s), dates required and the reason.

Officers patrol the City proactively each day and overnight enforcing parking regulations. If you are requesting to have parking enforcement done please contact Customer Care at T. 905.683.7575 or by email. An officer will be assigned to investigate the complaint in priority sequence.

Please be prepared to provide:

  • Your name and contact info
  • The specific parking infractions that are taking place
  • The address / location where the issue is occurring,
  • The general days / times when the issue is occurring,
  • If specific vehicle(s) involved a description of vehicle(s) including license plate number if possible

If you have an abandoned vehicle on private property that you wish to have impounded please contact By-law enforcement. Only a property owner, manager or designated agent is authorized to make this request. Proper No Parking signage is required before enforcement / towing can take place.

Below are the various ways you can pay your parking ticket:

1. Online through our eTicket Portal

2. By mail or in person (Monday to Friday between 8:30 am - 4:00 pm):

If by mail, send a cheque or money order payable to City of Pickering, including your parking infraction notice number on the front, to the following address:

City of Pickering, By-law Services
One The Esplanade
Pickering, ON L1V 6K7

We do not accept post-dated cheques, payments by instalments or cash by mail.

NSF cheques will be subject to an administrative charge. An administrative fee is payable if the fine goes into default and the information may be provided to a credit bureau. Please allow sufficient time for your payment to be delivered.

Fraud Alert: Beware of Fake Parking Ticket Messages

The City of Pickering does not use text messaging to communicate about parking tickets or fines related to the Provincial Offences Act.

Residents are reminded to never click any suspicious links asking for ticket payment or personal information by text. Messages may be reported as spam to the cellular service provider, and suspicious text messages can be deleted.

For questions about possible outstanding fines, residents can call the City of Pickering at 905.683.7575.

First Attendance Review

If you wish to dispute a parking ticket or have it reviewed, please submit your request as quickly as possible to keep the lower voluntary payment option available. A review can be requested by emailing Parking Enforcement and should include the following information:

  • First and Last Name
  • Ticket Number or License Plate Number
  • Reason for Dispute

You will receive a response in 2-3 business days.

Trial Option

After your ticket has been reviewed and you are not satisfied with the outcome you may request a trial by submitting a request to Parking Enforcement. A Notice of Intention to Appear in Court is required to be completed. Completed and signed forms can be submitted in person at the Pickering Civic Complex or sent via email.

Trials will be held at the Ontario Court of Justice, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario (see Notice of Trial for confirmation) at a date and time determined by the Court.

A notice for Ontario motorists

Failure to pay the fine imposed upon conviction will result in your Ontario Vehicle Permit not being renewed and no new permit being issued to you until the fine and all court costs and fees have been paid.

Contact Us

By-Law Enforcement
One The Esplanade
Pickering, Ontario
Canada L1V 6K7


Email By-law Enforcement

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