Residential Properties
Pickering's Zoning By-laws sets the standards for the types of vehicles permitted to park on residential properties.
Highlights - What You Need to Know
- vehicles parked in the front yard of a residential lot must not exceed 6.7 meters in length or 2.6 meters in height (maximum size applies to boats, RV's, campers, etc.)
- vehicles parked in the front yard of a residential lot must be parked on a hard surface that prevents water from pooling (e.g. asphalt, concrete, interlocking stone, gravel)
- vehicles parked in the side or rear yard of a residential lot must not exceed 8.0 meters in length or 3.5 meters in height (maximum size applies to boats, RV's, campers, etc.)
- vehicles parked in the side or rear yard of a residential lot must be setback at least 1 meter from neighbouring property lines
- any vehicle parked / stored on a residential lot must be in an operable condition
- vehicles lacking valid licence plates or adequate insurance coverage should be stored in a garage
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