Property Standards and Clean Yards
Residential properties, whether vacant or occupied, must be well maintained.
Property Standards By-law 7887/21 and Clean & Clear By-law 6832/08 protect property values and maintain safety by regulating appearance and safety standards for the interior and exterior of buildings and properties in the City.
Highlights - What You Need to Know
- The City of Pickering can only address complaints related to retaining walls when the ownership of the retaining wall can be established. Establishing ownership of a retaining wall may require that a Plan of Survey is obtained from an Ontario Land Surveyor by one or both parties. It is the responsibility of the property owner(s) to obtain and pay for any Plan of Survey.
- grass and weeds cannot exceed 15 centimetres in length
- properties are to be kept clear of refuse and debris, including inoperative vehicles, automotive parts, mechanical parts, appliances, furnaces, heater and fuel tanks, disused furniture, paper, cartons, cans, garden refuse, earth or rock fill, old or decayed lumber, material from construction or demolition projects, etc.
- yards are to be kept free of dilapidated or collapsed structures
- yards are to be kept clean and free from insect infestation, vermin and other pests, and free from any condition which may harbour such pests
- yards are to be protected with ground cover (e.g. grass, concrete, flagstone, gravel, asphalt, etc.)
- exterior surfaces, including surfaces which have been painted, stained, varnished etc. are to be maintained in a state of good repair
- roofs, eaves troughs, gutters, downspouts, chimneys, stacks and vents are to be maintained in a state of good repair
- all walls, beams, stairways, porches and railings are to be kept in a state of good repair and free of any unsafe conditions
- foundations are to be kept in good repair and free from conditions that will cause detrimental settlement and the entrance of moisture, insects or rodents
- doors and windows, including frames are to be kept in good condition
- all houses are to be equipped with adequate and properly functioning heating systems, plumbing systems, ventilation systems and electrical systems
- kitchens and bathrooms are to be kept in a functional condition, with all necessary fixtures working properly
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