Paying Property Taxes
Property taxes may be paid by pre-authorized payment plans, post-dated cheques, in person at City Hall, by telephone or internet banking, or through your bank, trust or mortgage company.
Pre-authorized Tax Payment Plans
There are 2 options for pre-authorized payment plans:
1. Monthly Payment Plan
This plan enables you to have 12 monthly payments automatically withdrawn from your bank account on the 1st, 8th or 16th of each month and credited to your property tax account. Monthly payments eliminate the need to pay your annual taxes in 4 larger sums. Once you are enrolled in the plan you do not have to reapply for subsequent years. You are eligible if your tax account is up to date.
2. Due Date Instalment Plan
This plan allows your tax payments to be automatically withdrawn from your bank account on the due dates noted on the tax bills. There are 4 instalments in a calendar year; 2 interim instalments and 2 final instalments. You are eligible if your tax account is up to date.
How do I join?
Application links are provided below, or may be picked up at Pickering City Hall. Attach a cheque marked "VOID" to the application form and return both to:
City of Pickering
Taxation Section
One The Esplanade
Pickering, ON L1V 6K7
Pre-authorized Tax Payment Application Forms
Pre-Authorized Tax Payment - Authorization |
CSV 1208-03/30 |
Online Form |
Pre-Authorized Tax Payment - Banking Information Change |
CSV 1205-03/30 |
Online Form |
Pre-Authorized Tax Payment - Cancellation |
CSV 1206-03/30 |
Online Form |
By Mail
Make your cheque payable to the City of Pickering and mail to One The Esplanade, Pickering, Ontario L1V 6K7
Post-Dated Cheques
You may post-date your cheque(s) to the instalment due date(s). Please write the property roll number on the cheque(s) and include the payment stub(s).
Telephone & Internet Banking
Contact your financial institution to set up telephone or internet banking. Please note that your tax account will be credited when payment is received at our office, and not on the day funds are withdrawn from your bank account.
Financial Institutions
Payments can be made at any chartered Bank or Trust Company. Most financial institutions also offer Property Tax Payment through electronic telephone service and over the Internet. Please contact your institution for more details, and note that your tax account will be credited when payment is received at our office, and not on the day funds are withdrawn from your bank account.
In Person
You may pay your taxes to the Cashier on the second floor of the Civic Complex between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm Monday to Friday. Payment options are cheque or debit. We will not accept credit card payments. Please remember to bring the tax bill. After hours payments (not cash) may be placed in the drop box located in the tower between the Library and the City Hall.
Mortgage Company or Agent
If your tax bill is to be paid by a Mortgage Company, please forward the bill to them immediately for payment.
Service Charges and Late Fees
Payments not honoured by your bank for any reason, are subject to a service charge. This service charge also applies to electronic payment corrections and post-dated cheque retrieval.
The late payment penalty of 1.25% is applied on the first day of default. A further late payment penalty of 1.25% will be added on the 1st day of each calendar month for taxes that remain unpaid. Payments must be received and processed by the due date in order to avoid late payment charges.
View the Summary of Fees & Charges on our Budget page for a complete list of user fees.
Front of Tax Bill

- Billing Date - date the tax bill was issued.
- Property Roll Number - property identification number assigned by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC). If paying property taxes by internet or telephone banking, enter your roll number as it appears on your tax bill (no dashes or spaces).
- Assessment - Current Value Assessment of your property as determined by MPAC.
- City Levy - portion of your taxes supporting City services.
- Region Levy - portion of your taxes supporting Regional Services.
- Education Levy - portion of your taxes supporting education.
- Final Levies - total taxes for City, Region and Education.
- Final Taxes - total taxes including special charges/credits.
- Total Amount Due - total amount due including special charges/credits. This amount is divided into your instalments, less amounts already paid. Past due amounts are added to the first instalment due date.
- Instalment Due Dates - instalment due dates and associated tax amounts.
- Account Summary - summary of your current account status. The Future Due amount includes instalments from this billing and all future instalments from any prior billing.
- Important messages about your billing.
- Explanation of Tax Changes - schedule showing the change in your taxes from the previous year to the current year and the distribution of the levy charges attributed to the City, Region and Education (as well as changes resulting from reassessment). Schedules for commercial, industrial and multi-residential property tax classes are adjusted for the effect of tax capping or clawback. For properties that were not taxed in the previous year, this section is not applicable.
Contact Us
Property Tax
One The Esplanade
Pickering, Ontario
Canada L1V 6K7
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