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Ratepayer Associations

On April 22, 2024, City Council approved a City of Pickering Ratepayer Associations Policy through the approval of Report CLK 02-24 and ADM 270, Ratepayer Association Policy.

What is a Ratepayer Association?

A Ratepayer Association is an organization formed by a group of residents in a defined area, that have come together to address issues affecting its neighborhood.

Registered Ratepayer Associations

Statement of Purpose

To advance the cultural and social interest of Fairport Beach residents.


Primary Contact: Paul White, Chairman


Website: @fairportbeach


Neighbourhood Boundaries

North - to the rear property line of homes along Vicki Avenue, on the South side. 

South - Lake Ontario

East - West Shore Blvd. (west side)

West - to the rear property line of homes on the west side of Hillcrest Road and Cliffview Road including all residences on Sandcastle Court and Park Crescent (in a straight line to the lake) 

Statement of Purpose

Rougemont Community and Recreation Association (RCRA) is a not-for-profit Neighbourhood Association to further promote and protect the interests and welfare of the residents of Rougemont Precinct and its environment. To protect the community, including such amenities such as cultural, recreational, civic and social, including the environmental stewardship of watersheds, conservation lands and protected species impacting the community.


Primary Contact: Abdullah Mir, Vice President




Neighbourhood Boundaries

North - Railway Tracks

South - Highway 401

East - Petticoat Creek

West - Little Rouge Creek 

Statement of Purpose

The Purpose of the Whitevale and District Residents' Association (WDRA) is:

  • to preserve, promote and enhance the heritage of Whitevale and its surronding agricultural land;
  • to protect, promote and enhance the social, cultural and recreational interests of the people of Whitevale and district;
  • to co-operate with any organization or person which this association recognizes as having aims consistent with its own.

Primary Contact: Mary Evans


Website: N/A


Neighbourhood Boundaries

North: Highway 407

South: Taunton Road

East: Whites Road

West: Markham Pickering Townline Road

Statement of Purpose

To represent the community's views for issues that impact Greenwood Hamlet and surrounding area including Pickering.


Primary Contact: Nick Zamora, President


Website: N/A


Neighbourhood Boundaries

North - Seventh Concession Road 

South - Fifth Concession Road

East - Salem Road

West - Sideline 16


Associations must register as a Ratepayer Association to be listed on the City Ratepayer Associations Webpage.

Before registering as a Ratepayer Association, please review the City of Pickering’s Ratepayer Association Policy.

To qualify as a Registered Ratepayer Association, groups must provide a completed Registration Form as well as a written description and a PDF Map of the geographic boundaries that the Association represents in person at:

Clerk’s Office
Pickering Civic Complex – Counter 2H
One The Esplanade,
Pickering, ON, L1V 6K7

The City Clerk has discretion over the registration of Ratepayer Associations.

As applications are received, an acknowledgement email will be sent to the primary contact listed on the application, confirming receipt of the application and advising that it will be reviewed. Upon completion of the review, the primary contact will be notified of the status of the application.

Annual Renewal

Registered Ratepayer Associations must submit an Annual Renewal Form to maintain registration.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can find the list of registered Ratepayer Associations, their contact information, and the Neighbourhoods they represent at the top of this webpage. Please contact the Association directly to enquire about membership.

Before registering as a Ratepayer Association, please review the City of Pickering’s Ratepayer Association Policy.

To register as a Ratepayer Association with the City, the following requirements must be met:

1. Completion and submission of a prescribed Registration Form that will include the following:

  • Membership listing with a minimum of ten (10) households represented, including the names, addresses, and signatures of one representative from each household, (this information will not be shared with the public).
  • A list of the Executive Officers of the Ratepayer Association including their names, elected positions, addresses, and signatures, (this information will not be shared with the public).
  • One general email address with a primary contact who will receive City communications for distribution to their members.
  • A formal statement of purpose.

2. A written description and visual map outlining the detailed geographic boundaries of the area the Ratepayer Association represents.

Fill out the Ratepayer Association Registration Form.

No. A Constitution and/or by-laws are not required to register an Association.

Benefits of registering with the City include:

  • Complementary printing. Restrictions apply.
  • Email notifications of upcoming Council and Committee Meetings.
  • Email notification of certain matters pertaining to public engagement or statutory notices, initiated by the City, that may impact their geographic boundaries.
  • The Ratepayer Association’s information will be posted to the City’s Ratepayer Association webpage so that residents are aware of and may become involved in a Ratepayer Association that is located in their community or neighbourhood.
  • Access to one free City facility meeting space to hold an All Candidates Meeting in an election year.
  • Recognition as a Registered Ratepayer Association for the purpose of delegating at a Committee or Council Meeting.

Associations can operate even if they are not registered with the City and can be actively involved in community issues. Benefits listed in Policy ADM 270 will not apply to non-registered associations.

No, other than the process of registering with the City, the City is not involved with the administration of any Ratepayer Associations.

Ratepayer Associations may request removal from the Registry at any time. Requests must be made in writing and signed by all Executive Officers of the Ratepayer Association and submitted by emailing the Clerk's Office, contact information is provided in the upper right panel of this webpage.

Contact Us

Clerk's Office
One The Esplanade
Pickering, Ontario
Canada L1V 6K7


Email Clerk's Office

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