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Arts & Culture

Heritage and History

Pickering’s History and Culture provides a vibrant foundation upon which to build our future.  Through the actions set out in the Cultural Plan we will increase appreciation for Pickering's vast number of historical and heritage assets, creating pride in Pickering, and preserving our past for future generations.

The Cultural Plan lays out actions to celebrate and recognize local heritage and history. Strategic Directions of the plan include the following actions:

  • Strategic Direction: Develop programs and facilities to house and conserve archival collections.
    • Action: Construction of Conservation Building | September 2019 will improve conditions for large artifacts at Pickering Museum Village.
    • Action: Construction of new Pickering Heritage & Community Centre will provide conditioned artifact and archival storage space, along with resource rooms for the public looking to undertake research.
  • Strategic Direction: Strengthen the promotion of local history assets
    • Action: The Heritage Promotion Action plan, was endorsed by the Cultural Advisory Committee in 2016 outlines actions to strengthen recognition of heritage assets in the City.
  • Strategic Direction: Establish a Visitors’ Centre at the Pickering Museum Village.
    • Action: New Pickering Heritage & Community Centre | As the first new community centre in Pickering in the last 18 years, this project has the opportunity to encompass Pickering’s rich heritage, while looking forward to the next generation. Located at the entrance to the Pickering Museum Village, the new building will bring together the museum, library’s local history collection, and community centre into one dynamic facility.

  • Strategic Direction: Leverage opportunities to connect culture and heritage programming with the new Rouge Park.
  • Strategic Direction: Develop strategies to highlight and celebrate Pickering’s heritage properties that include additional or improved signage to identify arts, cultural, and heritage designations and public properties.
  • Strategic Direction: Allocate funds to acquire and preserve heritage properties.
  • Strategic Direction: Establish a First Nations Interpretive Centre in partnership with relevant stakeholders.
  • Strategic Direction: Continue to operate the Doors Open program.


Pickering's Local History

Pickering Local History Collection Digital Archive allows free access to the local history collection. View documents, images, and newspapers which tell the story of Pickering from its earliest people to today’s growing City. The collection contains books, photographs, maps, newspapers, family histories, and much more.

Pickering Public Library Local History Services. The Library collects and makes available a comprehensive history of Pickering, including any records created today that will be important to generations to come. The majority of the collection is available to explore for free on the Pickering Local History Collection Digital Archive. View documents, images, and newspapers which tell the story of Pickering from its earliest people to today’s growing City. The collection contains books, photographs, maps, newspapers, family histories, and much more.

Pickering’s local municipal Heritage Advisory Committee advises Council on local heritage matters and assists Council in carrying out its heritage conservation program. Members of the committee come from the community and represent a cross-section of interests and perspectives.


Pickering Museum Village

Pickering Museum Village (PMV) ignites imaginations through a living history museum which fosters a connection to Pickering by collecting, preserving and interpreting artifacts and social culture (1810 – 40 years before present). Situated in the Hamlet of Greenwood, the PMV site is host to 15 heritage buildings and 27 acres of land. Visitors are invited to come together to learn, share stories, and build relationships through progressive, fun, and vibrant experiences.

Pickering Museum Village collects material culture pertaining to the history of Pickering Township up to 40 years prior to the present year, in order to understand and interpret the community's past, present and future. A portion of the collection is available for online viewing

Pickering Museum Village provides online and in-person resources for those interested in Pickering’s heritage including our online artifact collection catalogue, heritage activities and recipes.  Members of the public may also take advantage of the Artifact Collection and Resource library.

Display Opportunity for Occasion of Significance

Our community recognizes many occasions of significance in the Winter months, such as, Chanukah, Diwali, and Kwanzaa, among many others. The City is committed to creating an equitable, diverse, and inclusive community, and strives to foster a sense of belonging, empowerment, and respect among all community members through recognition of these occasions. As such, Pickering is providing display space for occasions of significance to be recognized at Chestnut Hill Developments Recreation Complex from November 1 to January 31 annually. If you or your group is interested in showcasing your Occasion of Significance, please review the information provided: Display Request - Occasion of Significance and send the following information to on or before the first week in September.

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One The Esplanade
Pickering, Ontario
Canada L1V 6K7


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