- Comments Response Matrix
- Architectural Drawings
- Architectural Response Letter
- Civil Response Letter
- Draft Official Plan Amendment
- Draft Zoning By-law
- Functional Servicing & Stormwater Management Report
- Geotechnical Investigation
- Hydrogeological Assessment
- Landscape Plan
- Landscape Enlargement Plan
- Land Use Compatibility Study
- Landscape Response Letter
- Policy Conformity Review
- Potential Ground Settlement Review
- Shadow Study
- Traffic Impact Study
- Urban Design Brief Addendum
1334281 Ontario Limited
File Numbers
Official Plan Amendment OPA 23-004/P
Zoning By-law Amendment A 10/23
1334281 Ontario Limited
Site Address
720 Granite Court
Ward 1
City Contact
*Please note this is not an approved project. The City of Pickering is mandated to accept and process every development application it receives, and our professional staff will review the submitted development proposal and evaluate the merits and suitability of each application, which includes public input provided through Public Meetings and written correspondence.
Revised Proposal (September 2024)
1334281 Ontario Limited has resubmitted applications for Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment. The following is a summary of key changes made to the proposal:
- The building height has been reduced from 12 storeys to 10 storeys.
- The number of dwelling units (262 units) has remained the same between the original and revised proposals.
- The applicant is proposing a single retail/commercial unit located within the ground floor of the building. The unit fronts onto Whites Road, and is approximately 81 square metres.
- A total of 404 parking spaces are proposed for the development, including 339 residential spaces and 65 visitor/retail spaces.
- A total of 158 bicycle parking spaces are proposed for the development, including 131 residential bicycle spaces, and 29 visitor/retail bicycle spaces.
- The applicant is proposing road improvement works at the intersection of Whites Road and Granite Court. More information can be found in the Revised Traffic Impact Study, which can be viewed below (see Section 7.21 and Appendix G of the Report).
- A privately-owned-public-space (POPS) is no longer being proposed at the southeast corner of the building.
The applicant is still seeking amendments to the City's Official Plan and Zoning By-law.
The purpose of the Official Plan Amendment is to increase the maximum residential density from 80 dwelling units per hectare to 221 units per hectare.
The purpose of the Zoning By-law Amendment is to change the existing zoning to an appropriate site-specific zone category to implement the applicant’s proposal, and introduce appropriate zoning regulations.
Original Proposal (June 2023)
1334281 Ontario Limited has submitted applications for Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment to permit a 12-storey residential condominium building, containing a total of 262 dwelling units. A total of 393 parking spaces are proposed, including 65 spaces located at grade and 328 spaces located within a two-level underground parking garage. Private outdoor amenity space is proposed at-grade to the north of the building, including a dog run, community garden, children's play area and outdoor seating areas. A privately-owned-public-space (POPS) is proposed to the south of the building, including outdoor seating areas.
The purpose of the Official Plan Amendment is to increase the maximum residential density from 80 dwelling units per hectare to 221 units per hectare.
The purpose of the Zoning By-law Amendment is to change the existing zoning to an appropriate site-specific zone category to implement the applicant’s proposal, and introduce appropriate zoning regulations.
Revised Supporting Documents (submitted September 2024)
Supporting Documents (submitted June 2023)
- Arborist Report
- Architectural Drawings
- Civil Engineering Drawings
- Compatibility, Noise & Vibration Study
- Conceptual Landscape Plans
- Derailment Protection Report
- Derailment Protection Plan 1
- Derailment Protection Plan 2
- Draft Official Plan Amendment
- Draft Zoning By-law Amendment
- Functional Servicing & Stormwater Management Report
- Geotechnical Investigation
- Groundwater Quality Assessment
- Hydrogeological Assessment
- Integrated Sustainable Design Standards Checklist
- Phase I Environmental Site Assessment
- Phase II Environmental Site Assessment
- Reliance Letter for Environmental Reports
- Planning Justification Report
- Property Survey
- Shadow Study
- Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment
- Review and Entry into Ontario Public Register of Archaeological Reports - Stage 1
- Stage 2 Archaeological Assessment
- Review and Entry into Ontario Public Register of Archaeological Reports - Stage 2
- Traffic Impact Study
- Urban Design Brief
- Waste Management Plan
- Water Balance Assessment
Statutory Public Information Meeting
Date | TBD |
Time | TBD |
Location | TBD |
Public Open House Meeting (Revised Proposal)
A Public Open House Meeting for the Revised Proposal was held on November 23, 2024 at 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm at the Chestnut Hill Developments Recreation Complex.
Statutory Public Information Meeting (Original Proposal)
A Statutory Public Information Meeting for the Original Proposal was held on November 6, 2023 at 7:00 pm. Enter text with Meeting date, time and location.
Public Open House Meeting (Original Proposal)
A Public Open House Meeting for the Original Proposal was held on September 20, 2023 at 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm at the Chestnut Hill Developments Recreation Complex.
We welcome your feedback on this development proposal.
Personal information contained on this form is collected pursuant to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This information is collected to notify you of future meetings regarding this proposal. Any questions related to the collection of this information should be directed to the City Clerk, One The Esplanade, Pickering, ON L1V 6K7, 905.420.4611.