Brock Zents Partnership
File Numbers
Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2022-03
Draft Plan of Condominium CP-2022-04
Zoning By-law Amendment A 08/22
Brock Zents Developments 2660-2670 Inc. & Brock Zents Developments 2680 Inc. ("The Brock Zents Partnership")
Site Address
2660, 2670 & 2680 Brock Road
Ward 3
City Contact
*Please note this is not an approved project. The City of Pickering is mandated to accept and process every development application it receives, and our professional staff will review the submitted development proposal and evaluate the merits and suitability of each application, which includes public input provided through Public Meetings and written correspondence.
3rd Submission
The applicant further revised their conceptual plan to addressed detailed technical comments raised by City staff. The total number of units proposed increased slightly from 274 units to 275 units.
2nd Submission
The applicant revised their proposal to incorporate lands immediately to the west of the subject lands which are owned by Infrastructure Ontario and to address technical comments from the City staff and external agencies through the first submission. The revised applications propose 244 stacked townhouse units and 30 rear-lane townhouse units.
Initial Proposal
The Brock Zents Partnership, to facilitate a residential condominium development consisting of 170 stacked townhouse dwellings, and 25 rear-lane townhouse dwellings having access from an internal common element condominium road. Vehicular access to the private road will be provided from the northerly extension of Four Seasons Drive, a municipal right of way, on the westerly portion of the subject lands.
Supporting Documents (3rd submission)
Supporting Documents (2nd submission)
- Conceptual Site Plan & Elevation Plans
- Draft Zoning By-law
- Hydrogeologic Review
- Arborist Report
- Landscape Plans
- Phase I Environmental Site Assessment
- Geotechnical Investigation
- Transportation Study
- Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report
- Engineering Plans (Grading, Servicing and Erosion/Sediment Control)
- Design for Four Seasons Lane
Supporting Documents (1st submission)
- Conceptual Site Plan
- Conceptual Elevation Plan
- Planning Justification Report
- Draft Plan of Subdivision
- Draft Plan of Condominium
- Environmental Impact Study
- Hydrogeologic Review
- Arborist Report
- Landscape Plans
- Noise Feasibility Study
- Site Screening Questionnaire (Application for Draft Plan Approval)
- Site Screening Questionnaire (Application for Zoning By-law Amendment)
- Geotechnical Investigation
- Sustainable Development Report
- Transportation Study
- Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report
- Engineering Plans (Grading, Servicing and Erosion/Sediment Control)
- Conceptual Design for Four Seasons Drive
- Stage 1 & 2 Archaeological Assessment (July 2019)
- Stage 1 & 2 Archaeological Assessment (May 2020)
- Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (2660 - 2680 Brock Road)
- Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (Balance of the Lands)
- Phase II Environmental Site Assessment
Notice of Complete Application
Recommendation Report
Date | April 7, 2025 |
Time | 7:00 pm |
Location |
Residents can view the meeting livestream via the City of Pickering's YouTube channel |
Statutory Public Information Meeting
A Statutory Public Information meeting was held on April, 3, 2023 at City Hall, Council Chambers.
We welcome your feedback on this development proposal.
Personal information contained on this form is collected pursuant to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This information is collected to notify you of future meetings regarding this proposal. Any questions related to the collection of this information should be directed to the City Clerk, One The Esplanade, Pickering, ON L1V 6K7, 905.420.4611.